
Writing for pleasure is catharsis for the academic. I have always been prone to strong impressions of the places I inhabit. Out of the two has emerged a series of short poems which I collect here. When I am not writing I love to dabble in some amateaur photography. That you will be able to find here.

O Canada : My first Canadian write up. Looking at the city snug on the lap of the rockies, with the sea lapping on the other side. A reflection on my new city of how it sees itself and how it lets itself be seen.

Home : Written on the flight out to Canada. Thoughtscapes.

White Thunder : On the Niagra. Thoroughly mesmerized.

Skyline_C : Nidhi and me out in the bitter frosty cold of a wintry Chicago evening. Trying to catch a glimpse of the city skyline from out near the lake. On one of those infernally cold 'beaches'.

Desertscapes : Through New Mexico, from white sands in the south to tent rocks up north. The great American west at its most surreal.

Yellow and set in stone : On the triassic lands of the 'Old faithful'.

New York : That is all one needs to say.. On the way to Boston.

First fall : The first write up from North America.