Current Research

Mathematical Biology

Cycle of mathematical modeling: real world problem, build a model, analyze the model, make predictions, back to real world problem. There is a small stick figure with their hair in a bun walking on the cycle.

I study mathematical models of biological systems. I'm specifically interested in using ordinary differential equations to model the human endocrine system.

In December 2022, I defended my master's thesis, "Examining the Dynamics of Ovulatory Disruptions."

hand-drawn diagram of the ovulatory cycle showing follicular growth, ovulation, and the luteal phase. Arrows between the brain and the ovaries show the roles of hormones through the cycle.

Diagram of the ovulatory cycle

Savannah standing in front of a screen gesturing with a tin foil sword to a slide. The slide has a spider-man meme. The larger of the two spider-men is labeled "Erica" and has their eyes narrowed in thought. The smaller spider-man is labeled "me" and is watching the larger spider-man intently.

Acknowledging the help of my advisor, Erica Graham, during my master's defense