
Conducting a Community Needs Assessment to identify Native language education and cultural programming opportunities to develop a strategic plan to guide initiatives 

Contracted by Chugachmiut Litnaurwik Tribal Education Department 

Contracted by PI Sarah Trainor, Phd and the team at UAF 

Developing an evaluation  to evaluate outcomes of culturally infused education for Indigenous children, youth, families, and instructors.

Contracted by  Cook Inlet Tribal Consortium, Inc. (CITC)

Advising and mentoring the PI and a graduate student to support research in the Alaskan Arctic around teacher and community relationships for culturally relevant pedagogy.

Contracted by PI Ginger Shultz, PhD at the University of Michigan

EPA Region 10 Tribal Environmental Leaders Summit 2024 emcee, keynote speaker, and facilitator

Contracted by EPA Region 10 Tribal Operations Committee Consortium

Developed Indigenous website content for the University of the Arctic Collaborative Online International Learning partnerships between Western/Indigenous students/courses in research projects.

Contracted by PIs Izzy Crawford, PhD and Alöna Roitershtein, PhD

Reviewed literature and reports on the unmet need of coastal Tribes in the lower 48 states that are facing relocation due to climate impacts.

Contracted by Northern Arizona University Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

Conducted relationship building workshop between local Tribal members the non-Indigenous Keep Sedona Beautiful staff.

Contracted by Keep Sedona Beuautiful

Facilitated a futures scenarios visioning worksop during the National Day of Racial Healing for mayors and other attendees to develop pathways for achieving racial healing in their communities and organizations.

Contracted by National League of Cities

Developed a cultural curriculum training module (Learning Management System) for researchers seeking to do work in Alaska on on cultural competence and equity in work with Indig3enous Peoples.

Subcontract by Rachel Edwardson who was subcontracted by the Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation (UIC) who was contracted by the National Science Foundation

Research project using futures scenario workshops to develop an understanding of a sustainable well community. The project has continued into focusing directly on land and water management and subsistence policy.

Partnered with the Ninilchik Village Tribe

Partnered with a rural Greenlandic Community