The Satsang

Meet Krishna in satsang

every Wednesday evening

from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The spiritually minded, who eat in the spirit of service, are freed from all their sins; but the selfish, who prepare food for their own satisfaction, eat sin. Living creatures are nourished by food, and food is nourished by rain; rain itself is the water of life, which comes from selfless worship and service.

Krishna, Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18:13-14

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

The Christ, The Gospel of Matthew 18:20, KJV

The "Satsangs with Krishna" Experience

Be part of the experience!

Those who worship me with love live in me, and I come to life in them,” thus declares Krishna in the 9th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. Krishna does not live in his devotee as a roommate might share the confines of a home living space with another roommate. Quite the contrary, Krishna “comes to life” literally in his devotee to become the very being, essence, life and person of his devotee. It is the 21st century ultimate “makeover” of an individual spiritual Truth-seeker aspiring to attain the heights of mystical experience—the mystical transformation from one’s external appearance of humanity to one’s innate spiritual divinity.

In a very real sense, the pure spiritual consciousness that Krishna represents comes alive to us — in us. It happens in a very special way, not only in the course of our normal spiritual practice and our sincere observance of a true mystical teaching, but more so through the satsangs we have with Krishna. These satsangs are the times we spend in friendly association or devotional fellowship with the Lord, during which we ponder and meditate on his spiritual teachings as they are revealed particularly in the Bhagavad Gita.

These satsangs with Krishna may take the form of personal and private devotionals — a one-on-one with the Lord, so to say. They may, also, be conducted with another person or other persons as in a group. It is the case of the latter that is described and envisioned in the Christian gospel when the Christ says: “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20, NKJV) A spiritual principle is operating here, which tells us that whenever the nature or presence of the Divine is consciously invoked in awareness during such a purposeful gathering of souls, the Divine Spirit comes alive and becomes an actual, real Spirit presence regardless of how it is designated or acknowledged — whether as Krishna or the Christ.

So, in both the Christian and Hindu spiritual traditions, a satsang gathering is recognized to be the vehicle for the Divine to express itself. This is true of any satsang with Krishna — by a single individual or by a group consisting of two or more people. And it is in the course of such satsangs with Krishna that Krishna comes to life in his devotees, enabling him to perform his ultimate “makeover” of them.

Our satsang is about that ultimate “makeover” by which our lives, and we as individual persons, become transformed indelibly by Krishna and his teachings. The satsangs are a testament of his devotees’ spiritual realizations and the grace-filled reflections and insights of those inner realizations distilled from the illumined thoughts that have surfaced from the Satsangs with Krishna experienced by its participants, individually and collectively, as Krishna takes them along the mystical path, the road least traveled in life where satsangs with Krishna are possible at all.

Satsangs with Krishna has been serving participants and Krishna devotees since 2018. The satsang originated in San Jose, California two years ago, spearheaded by Rita Sarathy to whom the satsang is grateful, under the auspices of Eknath Easwaran’s Blue Mountain Center of Meditation (BMCM). Since then, the satsang has taken a life of its own altogether, with some participants coming and going over time.

Recently, the satsang underwent a brief hiatus. We are presently giving the satsang a jump-start to rekindle and promote its spiritual enlightenment activities and to advance its transformative work and benefits for regular participants. (See our photo albums at Instagram.)

It is Krishna’s fondest desire that you come to him in his infinite oneness. It is our fervent prayer and hope that you come to him and find him, too.

Book an appointment today with Krishna's satsang truth salon for a Spirit makeover!


The Satsang Program

Come join us.

The satsang meets weekly for one-and-a-half hours (1½) from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) every Wednesday evening.

  • 7:30-7:35 PM — Opening and Invocation

  • 7:35-7:50 PM — Vipassanā meditation or centering for 15 minutes

  • 7:50-8:40 PM — Bhagavad Gita lessons/learning*

  • 8:40-9:00 PM Spiritual contemplation for 20 minutes

  • 9:00 PM — Closing


*As a common point of reference for the group, the satsang uses the Eknath Easwaran translation of the Bhagavad Gita published by Nilgiri Press.

At Krishna's satsang truth salon, you'll feel good, true and right.