Ever thought of learning about Google Cloud Platform? We've got you covered. Coding Club in collaboration with Developer Student Clubs and Qwiklabs brings to you #GCPCrashCourse, the best way to get started with Google Cloud Platform.

What is GCP Crash Course ?

GCP Crash Course is a camping by Developer Student Clubs along with Google Cloud Community. This camping amis to help the young student developers by making them to learn and get comfortable with Google Cloud Platform by introducing Technology oriented tracks based on Area of intrest.

This camping has: Three Tracks, Each track has 5 Quests to complete on Qwiklabs. It’s self paced and easy to take up.

Once the participants complete at least 1 Track, please fill up Track Completion form before 1st November, 2019. These submissions will be reviewed at the end of the month with Hoodie, certificate and swags .

We have Three exciting Tracks for you

Data Track

Machine Learning Track

App Development Track

Nothing is Fun without Rewards

Any one who completes at least one Track in this month is eligible for Goodies

Submit the Track Completion form, let us know at our Instagram or Email at dsc.sathyabama@gmail.com and receive goodies!