Agora 101

A one-day Hands-on Workshop organized by DSC Sathyabama.

5 th September 2019

The main aim of this event is to introduce WebRTC (Real Time Communication) to student developers with the aid of, the main sponsor of this event. We want to start from the very basic like explaining them what is real time communication and give them some real-life examples and daily use cases.

Sessions: First, we planned some beginners’ sessions like to help them get started.

Broke into three parts:

  • Android Basics By Anish J
  • Git/Github By Akash M
  • By Teja Kummarikuntla

Android basics by Anish J

About android apps and what are the type of development frameworks and platforms are available and what different coding languages and tools available to get started.

This was more of an interactive session like we showed them the path to application development focusing on mobile devices. Many were enthusiastic and they learned a lot of new things.

Git/GitHub by Akash M

Then we had a session about, as in today’s world you are not a developer if you don’t know git. As most of the juniors were beginners and they were just getting started in the development path we thought this would be very useful and helpful to them and as it turned out it was in fact and they’ve asked for more of such informative sessions and by they end they were familiar to use both the command line version and GUI version of the Git.

It was a hands-on session and everyone was in the pace with us and we volunteered to help those who faced problems, in the end everyone mastered git commit and pushed it to their repositories. by Teja Kummarikuntla

Well this was the main session and with everyone ready with the basics we began with WebRTC from the beginning to why and where it’s used in our everyday life like in video calls and everything. This was also more of a both an interactive and hands-on session. In this session we instructed them to follow a set of steps to use agora to help students build their own web app, in the end which results in a video feed from the user to stream using Agora.

It was a wonderful session and students were amused on seeing how easily they can bring WebRTC into action within a small period. We encouraged them to do so and continue to do more such experiments.

Wrapping Up:

Abhiram shared all the resources and useful links to help them proceed further and a little bit of motivation to keep them going.

Jyothirmai took an interactive kahoot session an interactive quiz gameplay to test the knowledge of participants on what they have learnt today and prizes were given to the winners.

Big Picture:

 Registrations : 90+

- Invites sent: 50+

- FeedBack link :


"It was a wonderful session . It helped me a lot .I learned lots of new things today. hoping to attends more sesssions like this. "

"The session was very informative. I liked the fact that everyone was on the same page throughout the workshop. The quiz was super fun and personally it felt good to know about Kahoot and Git hub."

"It is awesome it is the first one that i had experienced that every second is utilised."

"Quite student interactive and understanding."