"We don't want you to miss out things. For a thorough understanding of What we are? What we do? Why we do? We advice you to walk through this entire page for a quick tour of the website and the purpose."


Sathyabama Coding Club was started on February, 2018 and is administered by the Placement Cell, especially with the continuous support and encouragement of Mr.John Bruce. It aims to bring together the core talent of the Institute under one umbrella. This is an initiative by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology to enhance students ability towards Hackathons. Club members conducts workshops and events on new technologies that's buzzing around the world and includes off campus and campus hour meetings. The members of the club were divided into respective domains and each member should be part of at least one domain and work for that respective domain. The basic domains include Big data analytics, Internet Of Things, Ethical hacking, Web Development, Android Development, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning.

Everyone in Coding Club is part of a team and help each other to solve real world problems, so that they could improve their skills like team work , management, coding etc. Members of the club need to finish their work either from available resources on internet or developing their own idea from scratch. . Since the formation of this club, many innovative projects such as Sathyabama TBI website, Sathyabama cultural website, Android app for outside shop were developed. We do webinars through Skype once in every two weeks and it serves as a great platform for the students to clarify their doubts and implement new ideas. Everyone is a part of Slack community with diverse channels. We also provides online quiz sessions on different domains to widen a students approach towards other domain. Two campus meetings are held every month to bring out hidden talent in a student and make them fearless which in turn increase a students profile.

The main vision of the club is to improve the art of competitive programming skills in the students and to make them ready for renowned competitions like ACM-ICPC, Google code jam, various Hackathons conducted at national and International levels etc.

Our mission is to create a fun and supportive environment where we develop programming and statistics skills together. We want to replace statistics anxiety and code fear with inspiration and motivation to learn, and here we will share our experience.

Team Work will remain the key of any successful club and thus the students are split into teams and are encouraged to work in teams. We develop positivity in the community with beautiful community standards.


If you are an individual passionate about technology, an existing technical data provider of some kind, or a digital tech business that would like to volunteer in the community we would be very keen to hear from you and explore your ideas about setting up further digital making and computer coding activities in Sathyabama coding club.

Community Standards

We are an enthusiastic group of students from sathyabama institute of science and technology. Our mission is to create a fun and supportive environment where we develop programming and statistics skills together. We want to replace statistics anxiety and code fear with inspiration and motivation to learn, and here we will share our experience.

A collaborative session was taken in Coding Club Meet. But this time the workspace is meant for Collaboration. In this documents all of the important points will be disclosed.

1.A Slack Channel has been introduced among the Students for communications.

2.All the students can start their interaction at

3.Coding Club will be called as a Community and not as a Club only.

While all the 72 Students attended this meeting, Lead asked the students to speak Number from 1-72 in order. At the end, all the workspace as arranged with (1,72), (2,71) … likewise till the end.

One person of the pair has to sit with another person and atlast another person will have to give the introduction of paired person to the community holding the mic.

4.Wherever this Community meets, it should be called a workspace. Students of the community should address each other only by their Name. No Bro, No sis, Nothing

5.Office Hours will be introduced: In Office hours, Students will be asked to come online at specific timings in the Slack Group to discuss and learn about a topic. Or else Webinars will be conducted by the lead.

6.Team Heads will changing every month. The selection of team heads will depend upon how much they help the community on the slack group.

7.The sense of Gratitude and Respect will be taken very seriously. While a student has to talk with the community members, he should compulsorily include at least ‘Thank you’ note.

8.If a Student learns something from other member of community, it is a must to appreciate and thank him.

9.An Presenting session has been taken for 6 Students, who came in front of Camera and spoken about random topics to express their behavioral and expressional skills.

10.Time is most important factor. For each and every task given there will always be time allocated and the tasks inside the club should be done on time.

11.Attendance was taken online, from the next time attendance will be taken on Android App and will be instantly mailed to the placement cell.

12.A Developer Student Team will be selected based upon the performance. This team will work closely with local organizations outside to provide them Mobile or Web Solutions. At the time of Hackathons all the Club members will be notified, but this team has to attend the Hackathons actively.

13. In the conversations what we do, we highly oppose the use of hand gestures, and encourage to use the words and positive smilies, with the only intent for a constructive discussion rather than just an acknowledgement.

14.In between the Club meets discussion can be carried out at slack and Challenges are made available for the students. Depending upon how students do these challenges they’ll be given opportunity to present at the community workspace.

15.How much you’ve contributed to the community can be measured easily by searching you username of Slack in the Slack Search Bar. If there are Zero messages contributing to the community(either learning/sharing/collaborating). You’ll be considered inactive.

Club Constitution

Sathyabama Coding Club - Constitution

Quick Navigation Guide Of The Website

  1. The Coding Club of Sathyabama is often involved with many other technical clubs at the University. One such club is Developer Student Club. Check out more about it here.

  2. As we see the legacy keeps going and growing every year, we have 3 successful seasons of community group involvement. And these wouldn't be possible without the dedicated effort of the Core Teams and the community members.

  3. Now, that we know about the purpose and the people involved, let's check out the activities and the initiatives taken in each season.( Season 1&2 and Season 3).

  4. Blogging enthusiast? Don't worry. We thoroughly encourage everyone to share any kind of experience with their writings. And that's when we created SSC's Bloggers Corner.

  5. Also, interestingly we keep track of our weekly activities and update the fellow community members with Weekly Reports ( Season 1&2 | Season 3) through mail.

  6. What's the point of a technical club without providing guidance of learning skills? Check out more in the Resources tab.