Topics of Interest

Contributions are sought in (but are not limited to) the following topics:

  • Industrial challenges for cost-effective safety assurance and certification
  • Assurance and certification of autonomous or adaptive systems
  • Cross-domain product certification
  • Integration of process-centric and product-centric assurance
  • Management of compliance with standards and regulations
  • Management of assurance evidence
  • Multi-concern (safety, security, privacy, reliability…) system assurance
  • Evolutionary approaches for safety and security assurance
  • Tools support for safety and security assurance
  • Seamless toolchains for development, assurance, and certification of safety-critical systems
  • Evolution of standards and trends on regulations
  • Human factors in safety and security assurance
  • COTS or external sourcing management of evidence in safety-critical systems
  • Mixed-criticality system assurance
  • Assurance for new technologies and for their application (e.g. blockchain)