General Hosting Guidelines

**See Bid to Host for more information.

General Hosting Information

Organizational Guidelines

The Host Community is responsible for incorporating a Host Organization and establishing a Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors will work in cooperation with the staff of the Saskatchewan Games Council to ensure a successful operation of the Saskatchewan Games.

Tri-Party Agreement

A Tri-Party agreement will be executed between the Host City, Host Organization and the Saskatchewan Games Council.  This signed agreement outlines the roles, responsibilities and deliverables of each party to ensure the successful hosting of the Games.  It will also outline the minimum hosting standards and highlights the financial obligations that are required by all parties. 


The financial management of the Games will be the responsibility of the Board of Directors led by the Chairperson and the Director of Administration and Finance.  An independent audit of the financial records must be completed as per the Non-Profit Organizations Act and a copy of the audit(s) must be submitted to the SGC as a part of the final report.  Budget templates and other tools will be provided to assist in the development of an operating budget.

The SGC has developed policies that are important to the integrity and consistency of the Saskatchewan Games.  All policies will be clearly defined as the Games operation unfolds. 

A final report must be provided to the SGC no more than six months from the conclusion of the Games.  Reports and recommendations from all divisions are required along with a copy of the audited financial statement.


The Host Organization must ensure appropriate Directors and Officers liability insurance for the Board of Directors is in place and that there is accident and general liability insurance for the volunteers.

In addition, the Host Organization must arrange for insurance coverage for all physical property and inventory that they acquire/lease leading up to and including the Games.


The Host Organization will employ a full-time Games Manager approximately 16 - 18 months in advance of the Games.  The Manager will be a paid employee of the Host Organization and retained under contract.  It is recommended that an additional two to three staff should be hired 3 - 6 months prior to the Games to help support the Games planning and operations. 

Host Organization

Opening and Closing Ceremonies

“In the name of all Saskatchewan competitors, I pledge that we will take part in these Saskatchewan Games, in the true spirit of integrity and fair play, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams.”

“In the name of all coaches taking part in these Saskatchewan Games, I pledge that we will coach in a manner respectful of the dignity of all athletes and carry out our tasks responsibly and with integrity. I pledge my commitment to the true sport principles. By participating in these Games, I am giving back to Saskatchewan sport, and I am coaching athletes to aim high in pursuit of athletic and personal excellence.”

“In the name of all Saskatchewan officials, I pledge that we will take part in these Saskatchewan Games in the true spirit of integrity and fair play, understanding and interpreting the rules with complete impartiality for the glory of sport and the honour of good sport conduct.”

Organizational and Administrative Guidelines

The Municipal Council is required to appoint a Host Organization that will lead the planning and execution of the Saskatchewan Games.  The Host Organization will be incorporated as a non-profit and will be the agency for planning, organizing and the overall management of the Games.


The bid documents will outline the Organization’s volunteer structure and identify members of the Board of Directors, key volunteer leadership positions and responsibilities of each committee.  To ensure all aspects of planning, administration and organization are fulfilled, the potential host community will require the availability and support of approximately 1,000 volunteers for the event.


Other general requirements of the Host Organization will include:


1.    The availability and access to the required sport facilities which meet the acceptable minimum standard of the PSO.


2.    The equipment required for the Games including the bunk beds and other miscellaneous equipment is stored in 9 sea-cans owned by the Saskatchewan Games Council.  The host community is responsible for transporting these sea-cans from the previous host to a secure location within their host community.  Costs associated with transporting and storing the sea-cans is the responsibility of the host.  Proper loading and unloading equipment must be used when transporting the sea-cans.  Bunk beds are provided to the host community at no cost and are part of the value in kind contribution of the Saskatchewan Games Council.  The bunk beds have safety rails for the top bunk and participants have access to 125 ladders for easier access to this top bunk.


3.    Establish a Games Village that includes sleeping accommodations for a minimum of 1,000 athletes, coaches and managers per half and must include separate accommodations for males and females.  A minimum of 40 square feet of floor space per person is required.  Based on the available room sizes, the number of participants per room per day may vary.  The accommodations must allow access for easy maintenance, adequate storage space and quality air control.  The Games have a minimum standard of 1 showerhead per 25 participants per gender.  Washroom standards are set at 1 toilet and 1 sink per 10 participants.  Accessible washrooms and showers are required.  Gender neutral washrooms are recommended when available at the Games Village. 


4.    The Host Organization will ensure the availability of approximately 106 hotel/motel rooms as follows:


Officials     40 rooms

VIP & media   30 rooms

Mission staff   36 rooms


These accommodations will be required for the full period of the Games and must be separate from the Athletes Villages.  Adequate accommodation space for spectators will also be available within the community and surrounding area.  Previous Games have shown approximately 2,500 spectators from outside the community attend the Games each half.


5.    The host will provide and budget for adequate accommodation, food service (per diem or village feeding) and transportation costs for approximately 75 officials per half attending the Games.


6.    The Host Organization will develop a safety and security plan that includes identifying a security headquarters within the Games Village.  The safety and security plan may include both volunteers and/or paid security personnel.  To ensure the safety and wellbeing of participants, equipment and facilities, the host will provide 24-hour security at the Games Village for the duration of the Games.


7.    The Host Organization will provide the necessary Food Services for a minimum of 1,000 participants per day for the duration of the Games.  Meals are to be provided at the village site or in a location that is close to the Athletes Village.  The development of a food services plan should include a daily menu prepared by a qualified food nutritionist that is reviewed by the Sask Games Council.


8.    A plan that outlines the medical care and services for all participants will be required.  This plan should include details for the Games Village (i.e., polyclinic) and at the sport venues.  The Host will be required to appoint a Chief Medical Officer (CMO) who is connected to the provincial health care system and the medical profession within the community.


9.    The host community must ensure that Internal Transportation services are available for coaches, managers, and athletes to and from the Athletes Village and the respective sport competition venues.


10.  The District mission staff are a group of individuals responsible for the effective management, operation, administration, and supervision of their District Team prior to and during the Games.


Prior to the Games:

a)   Secure 36 hotel rooms for the District mission staff for their stay during the Games.  The cost of the rooms will be the responsibility of the District.

b)   Facilitate the Mission Orientation (not earlier than 4 months prior to the Games).

·           Provide two (2) hotel rooms and expenses for one (1) vehicle per District

·           Provide three (3) meals per participant (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

·           Districts wishing to bring more than 2 mission staff are responsible for all costs associated with the additional persons


During the Games: Each District will bring 6 – 8 mission staff to the Games. 

a)   Facilitate an orientation one day prior to the opening ceremonies

b)   Provide adequate space for a Mission Centre which would accommodate space for 9 District mission desks with telephones, display space, photocopier equipment, facsimile machines and space available for walk‑in traffic

c)    Provide a cellular phone for each Chef de Mission if required (9 phones)

d)    Provide four (4) parking spots per District in close proximity to the mission centre

e)    Facilitate a daily Chef de Mission meeting with the host organizing committee to discuss issues and concerns, share information and provide updates - time of day for these meetings to be determined by the Host and the Districts


11.  Provide adequate space and computer equipment to receive, record and process all sport competition results.  The Host will ensure volunteers and staff are available to support and will partner with the Saskatchewan Games Council to ensure the results are delivered and published in a timely manner via the games management software.


12.  The Host should provide a media space in the Games Village for photographs, athlete interviews and other media requests.  The Sask Games Council will provide a step and repeat banner with the Sask Games logos that can be used in the space.


13.  The Host Organization will be responsible for other non-sport related.  These events include staging an exciting and memorable official opening ceremonies (90 minutes) and closing ceremonies (75 minutes), medal presentations, opening VIP reception and other designated hospitality events.  All receptions, dinners, entertainment and other special events planned for the Games must be endorsed by the Saskatchewan Games Council.


14.  The Saskatchewan Games Council with the co-operation of the Host may develop special initiatives which will enhance the Games program in areas such as coaching, safe sport, environment, athlete wellbeing, economic development and other identified needs.


15.  The Host will ensure adherence to the Saskatchewan Games Council’s code of conduct policy.