1938 Deed

Trustees of the Sardis Church to Marvin A. Blanton

W. S. Moultrie, et al
To Deed Land Dist. 6
Dr. M. A. Blanton


Filed March 24th, 1939 at 3-30 o'clock P. M. and noted in Note Book No. 14 page 274
Registered March 24th, 1939

At a meeting of the Third Quarterly Conference held at Sanders Chapel for the Troy and Rives Charge of the Union City District of the Memphis Conference of the Southern Methodist Episcopal Church it was ordered that the Board of Trustees of Sardis sell the Church property at Sardis and the said Board of Trust having received an offer of Three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00) cash, and which offer has this day been accepted, now in view of the premises and for and in consideration of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00) cash in hand paid, we, W. S. Moultrie, W. J. Myers, and R. B. Andrews, Trustees of the Sardis Church, have this day bargained and sold and to by these presents bargain, sell, and transfer and convey unto Dr. M. A. Blanton two certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the 6th civil district of Obion County, Tennessee and bounded and described as follows:

Tract #1: Southwest corner of said tract and southwest corner of Blanton tract (thence north 70 1/2 degrees west 15 poles and 15 links to iron stake, beech pointers thence north 19 1/2 degrees east 9 1/2 poles, thence east 3 degrees north ten poles and 18 links to Blanton line, thence south 3 degrees east 14 poles and 20 links to beginning.

Tract #2: Beginning at northwest corner of the above described one acre thence north at19 1/2 degrees east 4 1/2 poles to iron stake, thence east 3 degrees north 9 poles and 2 links to iron stake in Blanton's line, thence south 3 degrees east 4 poles to iron stake, northeast corner of said one acre (Church lot) thence west 3 degrees south 10 poles and 15 lengths to beginning, containing ----

To have and to hold to him, the said Dr. M. A. Blanton, his heirs and assigns forever. We covenant that we are lawfully seized and possessed of the same and the same is unencumbered and we have a good and lawful right to convey it and we will warrant and forever defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons. It being understood that we have authority from the Quarterly Conference to convey the same and we convey it in our official capacity and not as individuals, and we have authority by the action of the Quarterly Conference held on July 3, 1938 to sell the same and we are selling the same in obedience to the actions of the Quarterly Conference.

This the 15 day of August, 1938.

Stamped and cancelled to amt 50¢

W. S. Moultrie
W. J. Myers
R. B. Andrews

State of Tennessee
County of Obion

On this the 15th day of Aug. 1938 personally appeared before me, the undersigned a Notary Public within and for the State and County aforesaid, W. S. Moultrie, W. M. Myers and R. B. Andrews the within named bargainor with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that they executed the within instrument for the purposes therein contained.

Given under my hand and material seal at Union City, Tennessee. This 15th day of August 1938.

Clarence Fox, Notary Public


Clarence Fox
Notary Public

My commission expires October 17, 1939

Obion Co. Tenn.

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