Sara Negri

publications by subject

In the list that follows, to avoid duplications, publications are grouped according to their main topic; in each group, items are in reverse chronological order; electronic versions of articles available here may differ from the published versions.

Constructive topology and analysis; formal topology

Structural proof theory

  • Le direzioni della ricerca logica in Italia: Teoria strutturale della dimostrazione. In H. Hosni, G. Lolli, and C. Toffalori (eds) "Le direzioni della ricerca logica in Italia". Edizioni della Normale, Pisa, pp. 221-253, 2015, pdf file.

  • Proof analysis beyond geometric theories: from rule systems to systems of rules. Journal of Logic and Computation, vol. 27, pp. 513-537, 2016 pdf file.

  • The geometry of proof analysis: from rule systems to systems of rules, Mathematisches Forschunginstitut Oberwolfach, Report no. 52/2011 DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2011/52, pp. 26--28.

  • A survey of labelled sequent systems (abstract of plenary talk), in F. Ferreira et al. (eds), Programs, Proofs, Processes, 6th conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2010, Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Azores, pp. 15--16.

  • Admissibility of structural rules for extensions of contraction-free sequent calculi, with Roy Dyckhoff, Logic Journal of the IGPL, vol. 9, no. 4, 2001 . pdf file .

  • Sequent calculus in natural deduction style, with Jan von Plato, Abstract, pdf file . The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 66, pp. 1803-1816, 2001.

  • Structural Proof Theory , with Jan von Plato, 274 pp., Cambridge University Press. Contents. Connected to the book is an interactive sequent calculus proof editor that can be found through Aarne Ranta's home page. The book has also a web page.

  • Admissibility of structural rules for contraction-free systems of intuitionistic logic, with Roy Dyckhoff, 1998. Abstract, pdf file . The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 65, (December 2000), pp. 1499--1518.

  • Cut elimination in the presence of axioms, with Jan von Plato, The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 4, pp. 418-435, 1998, pdf file .

Proof Analysis

Algebraic logic, lattice theory, domain theory

  • Decision methods for linearly ordered Heyting algebras (with Roy Dyckhoff), Archive for Mathematical Logic, vol 45, pp. 411-422, 2006, pdf file .

  • Permutability of rules for linear lattices , in C. Calude and H. Ishihara (eds) "Constructivity, Computability, and Logic" Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol 11, no. 12, pp. 1986-1995, 2005. pdf file.

  • Proof systems for lattice theory, with Jan von Plato, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, vol. 14, pp. 507--526, 2004. ps file .

  • Permutability of rules in lattice theory, with Jan von Plato, Algebra Universalis, vol. 48 (2002), pp. 473-477. pdf file .

  • A sequent calculus for constructive ordered fields. Abstract. In "Reuniting the antipodes, Constructive and Nonstandard Views of the Continuum", P. Schuster et al. eds, pp. 143-155, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001. pdf file .

  • From Kripke Models to Algebraic Counter-valuations, with Jan von Plato, 1997. Abstract. In " Tableaux '98", Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and related methods, Harrie de Swart ed., LNAI 1397, pp. 247.270, 1998, pdf file .

  • Continuous domains as formal spaces , Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, vol. 12, pp. 19-52, 2002. Correction note dvi file.

  • Continuous lattices in formal topology, 1997. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, E. Gimenez and C. Paulin (eds), selected papers of the Types meeting, Aussois, 1996, LNCS 1512, pp. 333-353, Springer, 1998. Full article just rescued (on 13.1.2009) from my old PowerBook!

Constructive content of classical proofs

Modal and provability logic

  • Proof theory for quantified monotone modal logics (with Eugenio Orlandelli). IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, in press.

  • Non-normal modal logics: bi-neighbourhood semantics and its labelled calculi (with Tiziano Dalmonte and Nicola Olivetti). Advances in Modal Logic 2018, pdf of final version.

  • Proof theory for non-normal modal logics: The neighbourhood formalism and basic results, IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, Mints' memorial issue, vol. 4(4), May 2017, pp. 1241-1286.

  • A cut-free sequent system for Grzegorczyk logic with an application to the Gödel-McKinsey-Tarski embedding, with Roy Dyckhoff, Journal of Logic and Computation, vol. 26, pp. 169-187, 2016 pdf file.

  • Non-normal modal logics: a challenge to proof theory. In In P. Arazim and T. Lavicka (eds) The Logica Yearbook 2016, pp. 125-140, College Publications, pdf of final version.

  • Recent advances in proof systems for modal logic (abstract of invited talk), In R. Gore' et al. (eds) Advances in Modal Logic , pp. 421--422, College Publications, 2014 pdf file .

  • Countermodels from sequent calculi in multi-modal Logics, with Deepak Garg and Valerio Genovese, proceedings of LICS 2012, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 315-324, 2012, pdf file, technical report.

  • Proof theory for modal logic, Philosophy Compass, 6/8 (2011), pp. 523-538, pdf file.

  • Does the deduction theorem fail for modal logic? (with Raul Hakli), Synthese, vol. 187, pp. 849-867, 2012, pdf file .

  • Proof analysis in modal logic, Journal of Philosophical Logic, vol 34, pp. 507--544, 2005. pdf file .

  • Cut elimination in provability logic, Mathematisches Forschunginstitut Oberwolfach, Report no. 14/2005, p. 9017. pdf file.

Conditional logic

  • Counterfactual logic: labelled and internal calculi, two sides of the same coin? (with Marianna Girlando and Nicola Olivetti). Advances in Modal Logic 2018, pdf of final version.

  • A system of proof for Lewis counterfactual, with G. Sbardolini. In L. Felline et al. (eds) New Directions in Logic and the Philosophy of Science, pp. 189-203, College Publications, 2016.

  • The logic of conditional beliefs: neighbourhood semantics and sequent calculus, with M. Girlando, N. Olivetti, and V. Risch, AiML 2016, pdf file.

  • A sequent calculus for preferential conditional logic based on neighbourhood semantics, with Nicola Olivetti. Proceedings of Tableaux 2015, pdf file.

  • Proof analysis for Lewis counterfactuals, with Giorgio Sbardolini. The Review of Symbolic Logic, vol. 9, pp. 44-75, 2016, pdf file.

Non-classical logics

  • Proofs and countermodels in non-classical logics. Logica Universalis, vol. 8, pp. 25-60, 2014, pdf file.

  • Proof analysis in intermediate logics, with Roy Dyckhoff, Archive for Mathematical Logic, vol. 51, pp. 71-92, 2012, pdf file .

  • On the duality of proofs and countermodels in labelled sequent calculi (extended abstract of invited talk), in D. Galmiche and D. Larchey Wendling (eds) Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: 22th International Conference, Tableaux 2013, LNAI 8123, Springer, pdf file.

  • Proof analysis in non-classical logics, in "Logic Colloquium '05: Proceedings of the Annual European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Athens, Greece, July 28-August 3, 2005". C. Dimitracopoulos, L. Newelski, D. Normann, and J. Steel (eds) ASL Lecture Notes in Logic, vol. 28, pp. 107-128, pdf file

  • Proof analysis in non-classical logics (abstract of invited talk), Logic Colloquium 2006, Athens, The Bull\ etin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 12, p. 321, 2006.

  • Equality in the presence of apartness: An application of structural proof analysis to intuitionistic axiomatics, with Bianca Boretti, in "Constructivism: Mathematics, Logic, Philosophy and Linguistics" G. Ronzitti and G. Heinzmann (eds), Philosophia Scientiae, pp. 61-79, Cahier special 6, 2006.

  • Conservativity of apartness over equality, revisited, Research Report CS/99/4, Computer Science Department, University of St. Andrews, 1999. compressed dvi file .

Temporal logic

  • Decidability for Priorean Linear Time using a Fixed-Point Labelled Calculus, with Bianca Boretti, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5607, Proceedings of Tableaux 2009, pdf file .

  • On the finitization of Priorean linear time, with Bianca Boretti, in D'Agostino et al. (eds) New Essays in Logic and Philosophy of Science, College Publications, London, 2010, pdf file .

  • Two ways of finitizing linear time, with Bianca Boretti, ms. 2007. pdf.

Linear logic

  • Varieties of linear calculi, Journal of Philosophical Logic, vol 31, pp. 569--590, 2002. ps, dvi, pdf file .

  • A normalizing system of natural deduction for intuitionistic linear logic, Archive for Mathematical Logic, vol. 41, pp.789--810, 2002. pdf file .

  • Semantical observations on the embedding of Intuitionistic Logic into Intuitionistic Linear Logic , ps.gz , Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, vol. 5, pp. 41-68, Cambridge University Press, 1995. You can see a summary here .

Epistemic logic and formal epistemology

  • Conditional beliefs: from neighbourhood semantics to sequent calculus, with Marianna Girlando, Nicola Olivetti, and Vincent Risch. The Review of Symbolic Logic, doi: 10.1017/S1755020318000023, pdf of final version.

  • Logique Conditionnelle des Croyances, with M. Girlando, N. Olivetti, and V. Risisch. Semantique de Voisinage et Calcul de Sequents, 10 pages, Actes IAF 2016. pdf file.

  • The Church-Fitch knowability paradox in the light of structural proof theory, with Paolo Maffezioli and Alberto Naibo, Synthese, vol. 190, pp. 2677-2716, 2013, pdf file .

  • A proof theoretical perspective on Public Announcement Logic, with Paolo Maffezioli, Logic and Philosophy of Science, vol. 9, pp. 49-59, 2011, pdf file .

  • A Gentzen-style analysis of Public Announcement Logic, with Paolo Maffeziol, in X. Arrazola and M. Ponte (eds) Proceedings of the International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication and Action, pp. 293-313, University of the Basque Country Press, 2010, pdf file .

  • Reasoning about collectively accepted group beliefs (with Raul Hakli), in Andreas Herzig and Emiliano Lorini (eds) ``Logical Methods for Social Concepts'' Journal of Philosophical Logic, vol. 40, pp. 531-555, 2011. pdf file .

  • Proof theory for distributed knowledge (with Raul Hakli), Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems, Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 5405, pp. 100--116, Springer, 2008, pdf file .

Philosophy of mathematics, history and philosophy of logic

  • The intensional side of algebraic-topological representation theorems. Synthese, pdf of final version, 2017.

  • Cut elimination in sequent calculi with implicit contraction, with a conjecture on the origin of Gentzen's altitude line construction, with Jan von Plato. In Dieter Probst and Peter Schuster "Concepts of Proof in Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science", Ontos Mathematical Logic. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 269-290, 2016, pdf file.

  • Meaning in use, with Jan von Plato, in H. Wansing (ed) Dag Prawitz on Proofs and Meaning, Trends in Logic, Springer, pp. 239-257, 2015, pdf file.

  • Kripke completeness revisited, in G. Primiero and S. Rahman (eds.), "Acts of Knowledge - History, Philosophy and Logic", College Publications, 2009, pdf file.