Proof Theory Forum

Welcome to the home page of the book Structural Proof Theory, by Sara Negri and Jan von Plato, published by Cambridge University Press on August 9, 2001. This home page complements the book through the features of an electronic text. In particular, it can be constantly updated and readers with suggestions for additional links, references, exercises, etc., are invited to contribute.

At the end you will find a commented list of our papers on proof theory.

Book contents

PESCA: An Interactive Proof Editor for Sequent Calculus, by Aarne Ranta. Appendix C of Structural Proof Theory contains a description of this interactive system of proof development, written by Ranta. You can download it through this link.

Exercises. See the link to the course Proof theory and proof search for additional available exercises. Solutions to some exercises for chapter 1 pdf file.

Additional references with links to electronic manuscripts.


Links: A course on structural proof theory given by Roy Dyckhoff at the University of Dresden. Includes exercises and guided PESCA sessions.

Papers on proof theory by Sara Negri and Jan von Plato.

Text of the tutorial (in pdf format) "Natural deduction: Some recent developments" given by Jan von Plato at the Summer School on Proof Theory, Computation and Complexity, Dresden 2003.

Text of the tutorial (in pdf format) "Five Lectures on Proof Analysis" given by Sara Negri at the Summer School on Proof Theory, Computation and Complexity, Dresden 2003.Last modified January 19, 2005