Sarah Harmon, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor of Spanish and Linguistics

OER/ZTC Coordinator

District Academic Senate Standing Committee on Teaching and Learning Faculty Chair

Courses Typically Taught

Office Hours

My office hours vary from week to week, given that I have a busy schedule. But you can sign up for a 1-on-1 Virtual Office Hours appointment via my Calendly Scheduler below. 

Generally, my appointments are between 10am and 5pm. I'm on campus during fall and spring semesters, Tuesday through Thursday, but I'm available through Zoom throughout the work week. In the summer, I'm available Monday through Thursday via Zoom, but I am on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the Summer Session period. 

Regardless of how we're meeting, please set up the appointment through the scheduler below. If there is no appointment available that fits with your schedule, please email me with some days and times that do work, and I'll see what I can do.

Committees and Coordination Work

Publications and Remixes


Conferences and Informal Presentations

General OER Topics 

Tarea Libre 

ZTC and Equity 


When not teaching, writing, etc...

Want to know more? Get in touch at