Alpha Brainwave State

Alpha Brainwave State

Alpha waves can be seen as the "relaxing waves". Besides being quite relaxing, they also have an extremely important role to play in the human mind. They work as a bridge between the subconscious part of the mind (theta waves) and the conscious part of the mind (beta waves).

Information, feelings, creativity, memories, which are deep down in one's mind, cannot become conscious if there is no bridge (no alpha waves), between the two states of mind.

There are a number of benefits of alpha waves. The most obvious are that you become calmer and more relaxed. It has also many effects on the body. For example, it slows down the heart rate, which can be effective against heart problems, the body finds more time to regenerate and it even has a very positive effect on learning speed and memorization.

This created sound file, increases the amount the alpha brain waves in your brain when listening to it.

Sustained listening over time will entrain your brain to naturally produce stronger alpha brain waves and to allow you to maintain that state for longer periods of time.

The best usage is when you are relaxed, in meditation or just ready to go to sleep.

Do not use when driving or operating heavy machinery.

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