A Dream of Purity


Oftentimes, we are unsure of the path we are taking in life, That unknown future that looms ahead. This unknown can sway us from our journey of self-discovery as we accumulate doubts along our personal path. I think we would not want to look back at our life and regret our decisions and wondered if we can go back and change it.

But what if you can get an energetic glimpse into what you can become, using your own development/mental states/ energy as a gauge, we can extrapolate the potential futures and present it to you. Of course, no two persons should really have the same experience from this hypothetical projection.

But knowing this can help you stick to your path or make the changes you need as your goal becomes a tangible thing. Perhaps you have always felt like a stranger in some strange land, and this just gets a bit too much sometimes. It would be wonderful to see and experience this and what you can be, a purified version of yourself.

Presented here musically and energetically is a violin track designed with those concepts and ideas in mind.

Enjoy the journey this can take you on, and look forward to the future in ways you never imagined.