Lemons & Limes

Lemons and limes are one of the most alkalising foods out there (which is funny considering they taste so acidic). They are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is a powerful anti-oxidant. Consuming plenty of vitamin C helps support your body against infectious agents and harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals in your blood.

Vitamin C helps in fighting the cell damage that could eventually lead to diseases such as heart disease and cancer. It helps support tissue repair which aids in the healing of wounds and keeps your skin healthy. Vitamin C also helps increase iron absorption so it is a great vitamin to have with iron rich foods like spinach.

Vitamin C is important for body growth and is especially important for growing children. It has also proven to dramatically reduce blood lead levels. Research has shown than children living in urban areas with lots of lead toxicity have more behavioural and developmental problems, so maybe instead of milk, they should start giving them fresh juices at school!