Hi, I am Marije, a mum of 2 boys. Originally from Holland, but married a Scotsman and enjoying living in beautiful East Lothian!

If you would have told me 10 years ago I would be so passionate about juicing that I would set up my own juice business, I would have laughed at you. But in the past 10 years life has thrown a lot of curveballs, and it has shaped me into the person I am now. Alive, awake, and aware of the preciousness of every day and the importance of good nutrition for a healthy body.

Because health is not something I take for granted anymore. Having suffered from asthma and bronchitis all my life has seen me use more antibiotics than anyone should ever take. A range of traumatic events saw my health dwindle to a point where I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 34. This was my ultimate wake up call and the catalyst for change. For researching nutrition and making certain changes in my lifestyle.

I never thought I was very unhealthy. I didn't smoke, I hardly drank, I was active. I 'tried' to eat fruit and veg, but also liked treats, sugar and chocolate a wee bit too much! And the truth is, I still do. Because I know life is also about living and enjoying yourself. I'm not perfect, but I try and maintain a better balance now. And for me the best way to flood my body with good nutrition is with freshly extracted, cold-pressed juices and smoothies. Would you sit down and eat half a cucumber, two handfuls of kale, an apple, two carrots, 1/2 a pineapple, beetroot and 1 celery in one sitting? Not me either! But juice it, and you have a beautiful liquid delivering all this nutrition straight to your cells.

I was getting quite excited by this 'discovery' and I believe it has helped me recover faster after brutal chemotherapy and for keeping my health in check ever since (I need it while running after 2 active boys!). My 'light bulb' moment for this business came as I sat under a beautiful beech tree, pondering my life, when I was suddenly jolted awake by Sap! The Juice of Life! The realisation to share this with people and get them to reconnect to nature through the food they eat & drink.

I'm excited to share this passion with you. When you don't have a juicer, or can't be bothered to make them yourself, I will make it as easy as possible to deliver these freshly made juices straight to your door! You'll probably see me around town on my Dutch bike, aka 'The Juice Bike'! See you soon!

I am fully insured, have a food hygiene certificate and am hoping to be a fully accredited Natural Juice Health Practitioner one day.