Mejía D., S. Tobón and S. Gómez. (2021). The Deterrent Effect of Public Surveillance Cameras on Crime. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Here.

Guzman, L.A., Beltran, C, Bonilla, J, Gomez, S. (2021) BRT fare elasticities for from smartcard data: spatial and time-of-the-day differences. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 150, 335-348. Here.

Guzman, L. A., & Gómez, S. (2021). Density-oriented public transport corridors: Decoding their influence on BRT ridership at station-level and time-slot in Bogotá. Cities, 110, 103071. Here.

Guzmán, L.A., S. Gómez, CA Moncada (2019). Short run fare elasticities for Bogota's BRT systems: ridership responses to fare increases. Transportation. 1-19 . Here

Cárdenas, J.C., C. Mantilla y S. Gomez. (2019). Between-group competition enhances cooperation in public goods appropriation games. Ecological Economics. 157: 17 - 26. Here

Guzman, L. A., Moncada, C. A., & Gómez, S. (2018). Fare discrimination and daily demand distribution in the BRT system in Bogotá. Public Transport, 10(2): 191-216. Here.

Gómez, S. (2012). Tensions of Organic Markets for Colombian Coffee Growers: The Case of Valle del Cauca / Las tensiones de los mercados orgánicos para los caficultores colombianos. El caso del Valle del Cauca.''. Cuadernos De Desarrollo Rural. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia). Enero-junio, 9(68):65--85. Here.


Gómez-Cardona, S., L.A. Guzmán and L. Ochoa. (2022). Subsidizing Demand. Effects of Subsidies for Public Transport Use in a Development Context. The case of Bogotá Colombia. Working paper due soon.

Diekert, F., Eymess, T., Goeschl, T., Luomba, J., Gómez-Cardona, S. (2022): Subsidizing Compliance: A Multi-Unit Price List Mechanism for Legal Fishing Nets at Lake Victoria — AWI Discussion Paper Series No. 711. Here.

Gómez-Cardona, S.; Kammerer, J. and Mrosso, H. (2022). Fishing Fleet Selectivity in Lake Victoria. Working Paper. AWI, Heidelberg University. Here.

Gómez-Cardona, S., (2022), Spatial Structure effects on Fisheries Management for Lake Victoria’s Nile Perch. Working Paper. AWI, Heidelberg University. Here.

Quintane, E., J. Mejía, T. Deguilhem, S. Gómez. (2021) Using Networks to Find a Better Job: Social Relations and Information Problems in the Job Search Process.