Community Alert



The City fast-tracked EIH ( also known as Bridge Housing, Tiny Homes, and even Covid Dorms for a time) at the corner of Bernal and Monterey under the guise of the Covid-19 health emergency, ignoring the fact that the site had failed CEQA and didn't meet their purported site requirements.  Despite recorded commitments to the adjacent neighborhoods that the site would support only sleeping cabins for 20 homeless persons,  the Bernal site site has since been expanded to 78.  

Now, the City plans to sell the Bernal site to the county which intends to house criminals with mental illness and/or substance use disorders, as part of their "Jail Diversion" effortsCan you say bait and switch?  

To add insult to injury and in violation of city and state policy/ law, the City of San Jose and Santa Clara County Department of Behavioral Health worked in secret on the proposed transfer/sale of the Monterey Road property and only notified a small segment of the affected community a mere 12 days before a scheduled council vote.  It is only after substantial community uproar, that the vote was deferred.  But the fight has just begun!

Get started by signing the attached petition:

This site will be updated with information as it becomes available from the City, Santa Clara County, and/or SJA research.  Please see our "Jail Diversion" page for more information.  Link below.

To date, approximately 54 percent of city builds (EIH and Safe Parking)  are in D2 and D10, most within the same three miles (less than 2% of the City), and the City Council, under Matt Mahan with direction from Omar Passons,  continues to seek out additional locations in this same three mile area.  Now, the mayor and county propose to put CRIMINALS suffering from substance addiction and/or mental health disorders (to include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc) next to our homes. Do no council members have the integrity to call this out for what it is?  

It is clear to us that this is redlining and a blatant end-run around our community which soundly rejected these proposals in the past.  The City is clearly putting forth policies that have a disparate impact on D2 and bordering D10 neighborhoods, many of which were formerly recognized by the City as redevelopment neighborhoods via the city's own Strong Neighborhoods Initiative. 

Email, tweet, and call Mayor Mahan and the San Jose City Council today!  Let them know that you stand with SJAction in the fight to protect our local neighborhoods from the impacts of poorly-designed homeless housing, jail diversion, high speed rail, and other city and state created boondoggles.  

1. Mayor Matt Mahan – (408) 535-4800  

2. Rosemary Kamei, District 1 –  (408) 535-4901  Term expires 12/31/26

3. Serjio Jimenez, District 2 –  (408) 535-4902  Term expires 12/31/24  (Not Soon Enough)

4. Omar Torres, District 3 – (408) 535-4903  Term expires 12/31/26

5. David Cohen, District 4 – (408) 535-4904  Term expires 12/31/24

6.  Peter Ortiz,  District 5 – (408) 535-4905 Term expires 12/31/26

7. Devora "Dev" Davis, District 6 – (408) 535-4906  Term expires 12/31/24

8. Bien Doan, District 7 –  (408) 535-4907   Term expires 12/31/26

9. Domingo Candelas, District 8 – (408) 535-4908   *Council selected interim  member

10. Pam Foley, District 9 –  (408) 535-4909  Term expires 12/31/26

11. Arjun Batra, District 10 – (408) 535-4910   *Council selected interim  member




San Jose ACTION!