Teaching Experience

Postdoctoral Fellow (Lane Department of  Computer Science & Electrical Engineering) at West Virginia University

     ● CS 453: Data and Computer Communications (2024 Spring) 

      CS 220: Discrete Mathematics (2024 Spring)

     ● CS 320: Analysis of Algorithms (2022 Fall)

     ● CS 220: Discrete Mathematics (2022 Spring)

Graduate Teaching Assistant at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.

      Data Structures and Algorithms (2020 Spring)

     Computer Programming (2019 Fall)

      Data Structures and Algorithms (2019 Spring)

     ● Computer Programming (2018 Fall) 

     ● Data Structures and Algorithms (2018 Spring)

     ● Computer Programming (2017 Fall)

Assistant Professor (Department of  Computer Science & Applications) at Srusti Academy of Management

      Automata Theory (2015 Fall)

     ● Operating Systems (2015 Fall) 

     ● Software Engineering (2015 Fall)