Sandra Nair സാന്ദ്ര നായർ
Mathematics Ph.D. student
Colorado State University
Colorado State University
email: sandra[dot]nair[at]colostate[dot]edu
Office location: Weber 129
About me
I am a second-year mathematics Ph.D. student at Colorado State University, as of the academic year 2024-2025. I specialize in arithmetic geometry. My advisor is Prof. Rachel Pries.
I earned my M.S. in mathematics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2020-2022). I earned a B.S. each in physics and mathematics (highest honors + honors undergraduate thesis) from the University of California, Santa Cruz (2016-2020). My undergraduate thesis was advised by Prof. Junecue Suh (UCSC math dept), Prof. Michael Dine (UCSC physics dept), and informally by Prof. Shamit Kachru (Stanford Physics dept).
Here is my CV.
Selected talks
1) ANT seminar Fall 2023, Emory University.
Intersection of Ekedahl-Oort strata with the supersingular locus in unitary Shimura varieties of sgn(q-2,2) (Notes)
2) 2023 AWM Research Symposium, Clarke Atlanta University.
See above (Handout)
3) 2023 JMM - AMS Special Session on Rethinking Number Theory.
New developments on the Ekedahl-Oort strata of some unitary Shimura varieties. (Handout)