Sanae Yoshimoto, PhD

Assistant Professor


Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University


1-7-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima 739-8521, Japan

E-mail: syoshimo (at)


Mar. 2015: Ph.D. (Psychology) Japan Women’s University (Supervisor: Dr. Tatsuto Takeuchi)

Mar. 2013: M.A. (Psychology) Japan Women’s University (Supervisor: Dr. Tatsuto Takeuchi)

Mar. 2011: B.A. (Literature) Tokyo Woman’s Christian University (Supervisor: Dr. Hisato Imai)


Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, University of Nevada, Reno

(Supervisor: Dr. Michael A. Webster)


Articles in Scientific Journals (referred)

Yoshimoto, S., & Hayasaka, T. (2022) Common and independent processing of visual motion perception and oculomotor response. Journal of Vision, 22(4):6, 1–20.

Yoshimoto, S., Jiang, F., Takeuchi, T., Wilkins, A. J., & Webster, M. A. (2020) Visual discomfort from flicker: Effects of mean light level and contrast. Vision Research, 173, 50–60

Yoshimoto, S., Jiang, F., Takeuchi, T., Wilkins, A. J., & Webster, M. A. (2019) Adaptation and visual discomfort from flicker. Vision Research, 160, 99–107.

Yoshimoto, S., & Takeuchi, T. (2019) Effect of spatial attention on spatiotopic visual motion perception. Journal of Vision, 19(4):4, 1–19.

Yoshimoto, S., Garcia, J., Jiang, F., Wilkins, A. J., Takeuchi, T., & Webster, M. A. (2017). Visual discomfort and flicker. Vision Research, 138, 18–28.

Takeuchi, T., Yoshimoto, S., Shimada, Y., Kochiyama, T., & Kondo, H. M. (2017). Individual differences in visual motion perception and neurotransmitter concentrations in the human brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, 372, 20160111.

Yoshimoto, S., Okajima, K., & Takeuchi, T. (2016). Motion perception under mesopic vision. Journal of Vision, 16(1):16, 1–15.

Kihara, K., Takeuchi, T., Yoshimoto, S., Kondo, H. M., & Kawahara, J. (2015). Pupillometric evidence for the locus coeruleus-noradrenaline system facilitating attentional processing of action-triggered visual stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1-9.

Yoshimoto, S., Uchida-Ota, M., & Takeuchi, T. (2014). Effect of light level on the reference frames of visual motion processing. Journal of Vision, 14(13):6, 1–28.

Yoshimoto, S., Imai, H., Kashino, M., & Takeuchi, T. (2014). Pupil response and the subliminal mere exposure effect. PLoS ONE, 9(2), e90670, 1–8.

Yoshimoto, S., Uchida-Ota, M., & Takeuchi, T. (2014). The reference frame of visual motion priming depends on underlying motion mechanisms. Journal of Vision, 14(1):10, 1–19.

Yoshimoto, S., & Takeuchi, T. (2013). Visual motion priming reveals why motion perception deteriorates during mesopic vision. Journal of Vision, 13(8):8, 1–21.

Takeuchi, T., Puntous, T., Tuladhar, A., Yoshimoto, S., & Shirama, A. (2011). Estimation of mental effort in learning visual search by measuring pupil response. PLoS ONE, 6(7), e21973, 1–5.

Takeuchi, T., Tuladhar, A., & Yoshimoto, S. (2011). The effect of retinal illuminance on visual motion priming Vision Research, 51(10), 1137–1145.

Conference Presentation (International)

Wasaki, N., Takeuchi, T., & Yoshimoto, S. (2019) Daily driving experiences modify gaze patterns during visual searches of driving scenes. International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, France.

Yoshimoto, S., Takeuchi, T., Jiang, F., Wilkins, A. J., & Webster, M. A. (2018, September) Adaptation and visual discomfort from flicker. OSA Fall Vision Meeting, Reno, NV, USA.

Yoshimoto, S., Garcia, J., Jiang, F., Wilkins, A. J., Takeuchi, T., & Webster, M. A. (2016, July) Visual discomfort and temporal flicker. International Congress of Psychology, Kanagawa, Japan.

Iwahara, A., Yoshimoto, S., & Takeuchi, T. (2016, July) Motion aftereffect under low light levels. International Congress of Psychology, Kanagawa, Japan.

Takeuchi, T., Yoshimoto, S., Shimada, Y., Kochiyama, T., & Kondo, H. M. (2015, October) Individual differences in visual motion perception and the associated excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter concentrations in the brain. OSA Fall Vision Meeting, San Jose, CA, USA.

Yoshimoto, S., & Takeuchi, T. (2015, May). Effect of light level on the postdictive perception of visual motion. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.

Yoshimoto, S., Uchida-Ota, M., & Takeuchi, T. (2014, July). Motion processing in retinotopic and spatiotopic coordinates at low light levels. Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Kagawa, Japan.

Yoshimoto, S., Uchida-Ota, M., Okajima, K., & Takeuchi, T. (2014, May). Deterioration of visual motion perception in mesopic vision. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.

Kihara, K., Takeuchi, T., Yoshimoto, S., Kondo, H., & Kawahara, J. (2014, May). The locus coeruleus-noradrenaline system facilitates attentional processing of action-triggered visual stimuli. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.

Yoshimoto, S., & Takeuchi, T. (2012, July). Why is it difficult to see moving objects in the dusk?–Visual motion priming reveals two motion mechanisms functioning under mesopic vision. Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Incheon, Korea.

Yoshimoto, S., Lo, S. W., & Takeuchi, T. (2011, August). Pupil responses to subliminally presented facial expressions. European Conference on Visual Perception, Toulouse, France.

Takeuchi, T., Yoshimoto, S., Shirama, A., Lo, S. W., & Imai, H. (2011, August). Developing preference to subthreshold visual patterns estimated by pupil response. European Conference on Visual Perception, Toulouse, France.

Yoshimoto, S., Imai, H., & Takeuchi, T. (2011, June). Underlying mechanism of subliminal mere exposure effect–When your pupil constricts, you will like what you unconsciously see. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto, Japan.


July. 2018: Best Author Award, The Japanese Psychonomic Society

Nov. 2015: Best Author Award, The Japanese Psychonomic Society

Nov. 2015: Best Presentation Award, The Japanese Psychonomic Society

Mar. 2015: Founder's Award, Japan Women's University

Jan. 2015: Best Presentation Award, Vision Society of Japan

Dec. 2014: Best Author Award, The Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers

Dec. 2014: Best Presentation Award, The Japanese Psychonomic Society

Oct. 2014: Prize for Encouragement, Morimura Homei Foundation

July. 2014: Student Travel Award, Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision

Apr. 2014: Prize for Encouragement, Japan Women's University

Jan. 2014: Best Presentation Award, Vision Society of Japan

Nov. 2012: Best Presentation Award, The Japanese Psychonomic Society

Oct. 2012: Prize for Encouragement, Morimura Homei Foundation

Apr. 2012: Best Author Award, The Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers

Apr. 2012: Prize for Encouragement, Japan Women's University