Samyaday Choudhury

PhD, Astronomy & Astrophysics

Panoramic view of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds above the ESO’s VLT observation site in Chile. Credit: ESO/Y. Beletsky

About Me

I am currently an Assistant Professor in the the School of Arts and Science, Ahmedabad University, where I lead the Astronomy and Astrophysics research group. In my research work, I seek answers to some major questions pertinent to star formation, stellar evolution, and galaxy evolution in our Universe. I hunt for answers to the same by studying resolved stellar populations and star clusters in the nearby galaxies, especially star-forming dwarf galaxies within the Local Universe (distance < 30 million light years). Dwarf galaxies are the least massive, most abundant and most widely distributed type of galaxies in our Universe. Given their low metallicity, high gas content and ongoing star formation events, these objects are supposed to resemble the first galaxies that formed at the earliest epochs, and thus represent a window into the early Universe. I use multi-wavelength data (ultraviolet to near-infrared) for my studies, which are acquired using targeted observations and Big Sky surveys by some of the prominent space-based (NASA's Hubble, India's AstroSat) and ground-based telescope facilities of the world. The science projects are carried out in collaboration with some proficient research groups based in India, the USA, Australia, Europe and South Korea. 

Prior to joining Ahmedabad University in March 2023, I was an ‘Evolved Star Postdoctoral Fellow’ at the Space Telescope Science Institute, USA, the operation centre for prominent NASA space observatories like the Hubble and the James Webb Space Telescope. After receiving my PhD degree from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc, Bengaluru) in 2016, I served as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Macquarie University (Australia) and 'Lee Wonchul Postdoctoral Fellow' at Yonsei University Observatory (South Korea).