

I am a College Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at St John's, Oxford. Before this I completed a PhD in mathematics at the University of Glasgow under the supervision of Gwyn Bellamy and Michael Wemyss, where I was a member of the Core Structures group and a student of GlaMS, supported by EPSRC and ERC. Prior to my PhD at Glasgow I completed an integrated masters at the University of Bath.

Contact: firstname.lastname@sjc.ox.ac.uk

Location: Office S1.10, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, OX2 6GG

Institute webpage: https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/people/samuel.lewis

Research interests

I am interested in the intersection of combinatorial objects with fundamental questions in algebraic geometry and representation theory. This includes preprojective algebras, derived categories, and stability conditions, with a particular focus on wild-type behavior. 

I am currently thinking about quiver varieties, real variations of stability conditions and intersection arrangements, often in the hyperbolic setting. You can read more over on my research page.

Other activities

I have previously been an organiser for the seminars GEARS and  GAPS.

Dores Beach, 2021