I am a College Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at St John's, Oxford. Before this I completed a PhD in mathematics at the University of Glasgow under the supervision of Gwyn Bellamy and Michael Wemyss, where I was a member of the Core Structures group and a student of GlaMS, supported by EPSRC and ERC. Prior to my PhD at Glasgow I completed an integrated masters at the University of Bath.
Contact: firstname.lastname@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Location: Office S1.10, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, OX2 6GG
Institute webpage: https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/people/samuel.lewis
Research interests
I am interested in the intersection of combinatorial objects with fundamental questions in algebraic geometry and representation theory. This includes preprojective algebras, derived categories, and stability conditions, with a particular focus on wild-type behavior.
I am currently thinking about quiver varieties, real variations of stability conditions and intersection arrangements, often in the hyperbolic setting. You can read more over on my research page.
Other activities
Dores Beach, 2021