English Translation

Sunday Sermon(Abstract) on Jul 23th, 2023

"Today is the time to learn the third lesson on how to succeed in worship."

"We consider preaching important in our worship service. We believe that praise is important too.

If there's a sermon that doesn't touch my heart, I say that the worship service was ruined. If there's dry praise that doesn't move me, I complain, 'What is this worship?'

All of this thinking is rooted in a human-centered perspective where I think a good worship service is when I am abundantly blessed and deeply moved.

However, the truth is that I am not the center; the Father is the center. The time I offer myself to the Father is the worship service.  

Why is worship called service? Because it is the time to serve God. Worship is not a time to receive but a time to give. It is not a time to be served but a time to serve.

"The essence of Christian worship lies not in receiving blessings from God but in offering ourselves to God. Worship is about focusing on God, not on ourselves. It is about dedicating everything—our intellect, emotions, will, and possessions—to God."

So then... How can we serve God during worship?

Lifting God up is serving Him.

Psalm 99:9 says, "Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his holy mountain; for the Lord our God is holy."

Psalm 145:1-2 says, "I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name forever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name forever and ever."

Worship is about proclaiming God's deeds through Christ's cross and beholding them. It is the time to sing praise, saying how wonderful, great, and marvelous God is. Singing praise is the core of true worship.

In every moment of worship—through song, dance, our whole bodies, and saying "Amen"—

let us serve and exalt God. Let us focus entirely on that.

When we enter into true worship, the doors of heaven open. When we are in the position of exalting God, He comfortably sits on the throne, and all good things in our lives fall into place. The doors of heaven are opened, and we receive spiritual blessings from heaven."

I hope that each one of you can offer true worship by giving yourselves wholeheartedly to serve God.