I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Mathematics Department  at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. My postdoctoral advisor is Prof. Orr Moshe Shalit.

Before joining the Technion, I did my Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis under the guidance of Prof. Gregory E. Knese.


My research lies at the intersection of complex analysis, operator theory, and function theory. Currently, I am exploring noncommutative (nc) function theory, specifically in the context of the isomorphism problem of homogeneous nc subvarieties. My Ph.D. was about understanding the behavior of cyclic functions in spaces of holomorphic functions in more than one complex variables.

You can find my CV here.



561 - Amado Mathematics Building

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Haifa 32000, Israel


Phone no. - +972 58-776-6197

Email - sampatjeet@campus.technion.ac.il