MIT Lab.
Multimedia & Intelligent Technical Laboratory (MIT Lab.)
本實驗室由夏至賢 特聘教授所主持,近年來因為多媒體產業對於消費性電子與人本創新應用的要求越來越多元化。有鑑於此,主持人在2017年8月於教穡大樓415室成立多媒體暨智能技術實驗室(Multimedia Intelligent Technical Laboratory, MIT Lab.),以多媒體資訊為出發點,透過人工智慧技術與應用,在新興產業產生貢獻;其MIT Lab.主要研究群分別為︰影像處理(Image Processing)、電腦視覺(Computer Vision)、認知工程(Cognitive Engineering)。應用在智能生物技術(iBioTech)、智能美容與時尚(iBeauty & iFashion)、智能教育(iEduTech)、智能交通系統(iTranspSyst)。
The laboratory is led by Distinguished Prof. Chih-Hsien HSIA. In recent years, the multimedia industry has increasingly demanded diverse innovations in consumer electronics and human-centered applications. So that the lab was established in August 2017 in Room 415 of the Jiaosuo Building as the Multimedia Intelligent Technical Laboratory (MIT Lab.). Starting with multimedia information and leveraging artificial intelligence technologies and applications, the MIT Lab. aims to contribute to emerging industries. Its main research groups include Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Cognitive Engineering, with applications in intelligent biotechnology (iBioTech), intelligent beauty and fashion (iBeauty & iFashion), intelligent education (iEduTech), and intelligent transportation systems (iTranspSyst).
So far, the laboratory has achieved partial results in these areas. In the future, it will continue to improve and focus on enhancing academic research, strengthening industry-academia/international collaborations, and cultivating innovative R&D talent and technology leaders with a global perspective. The goal is to create a win-win scenario for both academia and industry, making the Dept. Computer Science at National Ilan University is a cradle for nurturing technological talent.