
34. (with Nuno Arala) Expansion properties of polynomials over finite fields, 13 pages

33. (with Péter Varjú and Han Yu) Counting rationals and diophantine approximation in missing-digit Cantor sets, 29 pages

32. (with Agamemnon Zafeiropoulos and Evgeniy Zorin) Inhomogeneous Kaufman measures and diophantine approximation, 63 pages

31. (with Rainer Dietmann) Enumerative Galois theory for number fields, 15 pages

Publications (the stars reflect the journal strength)

30. (with Jon Chapman) Arithmetic Ramsey theory over the primes, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, to appear, 35 pages

29. (with Jon Chapman) Generalised Rado and Roth criteria, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5), to appear [pdf, 36 pages]

28. (with Niclas Technau) Dispersion and Littlewood's conjecture, Adv. Math. 447 (2024), 17 pages

27. (with Owen Jones) On the variance of the Fibonacci partition function, J. Number Theory 257 (2024), 341–353

26. ⭐ (with Lei Yang) Effective equidistribution for multiplicative Diophantine approximation on lines, Invent. math. 235 (2024), 973–1007

25. (with Niclas Technau) Littlewood and DuffinSchaeffer-type problems in diophantine approximation, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 296 (2024), 74 pages

24. (with Demi Allen, Simon Baker and Han Yu) A note on dyadic approximation in Cantor's set, Indag. Math. (N. S.) 34 (2023), 190–197

23. ☆ (with Demi Allen and Han Yu) Dyadic approximation in the middle-third Cantor set, Selecta Math. (N. S.) 29 (2023), Paper No. 11, 49 pages

22. (with Rainer Dietmann) Towards van der Waerden's conjecture, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376 (2023), 2739–2785 [pdf]

21. (with Niclas Technau) Counting multiplicative approximations, Ramanujan J. 62 (2023), 241250 [pdf]

20. (with Agamemnon Zafeiropoulos) Fully-inhomogeneous multiplicative diophantine approximation of badly approximable numbers, Mathematika 67 (2021), 639646 [pdf]

19. (with Tom Slattery) On Fibonacci partitions, J. Number Theory 225 (2021), 310326 [pdf]

18. ★ (with Sofia Lindqvist and Sean Prendiville) Rado's criterion over squares and higher powers, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 23 (2021), 19251997

17. ★ (with Rainer Dietmann) Enumerative Galois theory for cubics and quartics, Adv. Math. 372 (2020), 107282, 37 pages

16. ☆ (with Anish Ghosh, Lifan Guan, Antoine Marnat and David S. Simmons) Diophantine transference inequalities: weighted, inhomogeneous, and intermediate exponents, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) XXI (2020), 643–671 [arXiv]

15. ★ (with Niclas Technau) Higher-rank Bohr sets and multiplicative diophantine approximation, Compos. Math. 155 (2019), 2214–2233 [pdf]

14. (with Luka Rimanić) Lonely runners in function fields, Mathematika 65 (2019), 677–701 [pdf]

13. (with Thomas F. Bloom, Ayla Gafni and Aled Walker) Additive energy and the metric Poissonian property, Mathematika 64 (2018), 679–700 [pdf]

12. ⭐ Bohr sets and multiplicative diophantine approximation, Duke Math. J. 167 (2018), 1623–1642 [pdf]

11. ☆ Roth–Waring–Goldbach, Int. Math. Res. Not. 2018, 2341–2374 [arXiv]

10. (with Carl Pomerance) Triangles with prime hypotenuse, Res. Number Theory (2017) 3:21, 10 pages

9.  A note on rational points near planar curves, Acta Arith. 177 (2017), 393–396 [arXiv]

8. ☆ Birch's theorem with shifts, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) XVII (2017), 449–483 [arXiv]

7. ☆ Equidistribution of values of linear forms on a cubic hypersurface, Algebra & Number Theory 10 (2016), 421–450

6. Waring’s problem with shifts, Mathematika 62 (2016), 13–46 [pdf]

5. ☆ Sums of cubes with shifts, J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 91 (2015), 343–366 [pdf]

4. (with Alex Ghitza) Distinguishing newforms, Int. J. Number Theory 11 (2015), 893–908 [pdf]

3. Averaging on thin sets of diagonal forms, J. Number Theory 145 (2014), 22–50 [arXiv]

2. Cubic diophantine inequalities for split forms, Monatsh. Math. 175 (2014), 213–225 [pdf]

1. (with Alex Ghitza) Distinguishing eigenforms modulo a prime ideal, Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 51 (2014), 363–377

Other writings


I represented Australia at the International Mathematical Olympiad in 2005, earning a bronze medal. I did my undergraduate degree at the University of Melbourne, in Commerce and Science, majoring in mathematics, statistics, economics, and finance. Some Australian universities would offer an Honours year, which is like a taught Master's, and I did one of these in 2011. Aside from six subjects, one would write a thesis, usually expository in nature. I took this opportunity to teach myself number theory. An introduction to algebraic number theory, and the class number formula, supervised by Craig Westerland, taught me a bit about algebraic and analytic number theory, and a bit about the geometry of numbers. 

A quick research Master's

The academic year begins in February in Australia, so any Aussie planning to do a PhD in the Northern Hemisphere has to decide what to do with the eight-month gap. I stayed in Melbourne to do a research Master's with Alex Ghitza in 2012, writing a thesis on Analytic and computational approaches to comparing the Fourier coefficients of Hecke eigenforms (Papers 1, 4). The basic question is as follows: how many initial Fourier coefficients are needed to distinguish two modular forms within a family? The usual answer is the Sturm bound, but in some cases one can do better. We considered newforms, and modular forms modulo a prime, using analytic and computational methods. With regards to the former (Paper 4), we proposed a stability conjecture, and related to this we also proposed a higher-level generalisation of Maeda's conjecture. See Humphries's paper for the Maaß form case.

Trust me, I'm a doctor

I was intrigued by the Goldbach conjecture, and also interested in analytic number theory, so I went all the way to Bristol to do my PhD with Trevor Wooley on the circle method (awarded September 2016). During this time I worked on a variety of problems in diophantine equations (Paper 3), diophantine inequalities (Papers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8), and arithmetic combinatorics (Paper 11). My dissertation, Shifts, averages and restriction of forms in several variables, was awarded the Faculty of Science Doctoral Prize for the Physical Sciences. The main outcomes were as follows:

Metric diophantine approximation

My study of diophantine inequalities led me quite naturally to diophantine approximation, for which York is a stronghold: I went there to do a postdoc with Sanju Velani and Victor Beresnevich. Paper 10, in which I prove a conjecture made by Jing-Jing Huang, counts rational points near planar curves, which is relevant to the metric theory of diophantine approximation. I've particularly liked exploring connections between additive/extremal combinatorics and diophantine approximation/uniform distribution (Papers 12, 13, 14). Paper 12 concerns the metric theory of multiplicative diophantine approximation, motivated by the infamous Littlewood conjecture; I was able to develop and apply the correspondence between Bohr sets and generalised arithmetic progressions in this context (the initial observation was made by Tao in a blog post).


I thoroughly enjoyed the Analytic Number Theory semester (January to May 2017) at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, in sunny Berkeley, where I was a postdoc. During this time I improved my Erdős number to 2 (Paper 11 with Carl Pomerance), and also worked on other collaborations there (Papers 13, 17, 18). Paper 18 characterises a Ramsey-theoretic property of diagonal equations in sufficiently many variables. One consequence is that for any finite colouring of the integers there are monochromatic Pythagorean quintuples. The paper introduces homogeneous sets within Ben Green's Fourier-analytic transference framework; Chapman has since written about this technique.

Old York

After MSRI I went back to York to continue my work on diophantine approximation. Many problems in the area can be recast in terms of the geometry of numbers (Papers 15, 16). Paper 15 generalises Paper 12 to higher dimensions. Instead of continued fractions and the three-distance theorem, we use reduced successive minima and diophantine transference inequalities to establish the correspondence between Bohr sets and generalised arithmetic progressions in this context. We essentially solved the Lebesgue theory of multiplicative diophantine approximation on planar lines in Paper 26. The divergence theory entailed demonstrating effective asymptotic equidistribution for unipotent one-parameter orbits in the space of unimodular lattices in three dimensions; for the convergence theory we used Bohr sets to estimate the relevant sums of reciprocals of fractional parts.

A fellowship grant

Then I went to Oxford on an EPSRC Fellowship in 2018. Entitled New techniques for old problems in number theory, this supports my research on the topics of diophantine approximation, arithmetic combinatorics, and enumerative Galois theory. A 1936 conjecture of van der Waerden is that irreducible polynomials with non-full Galois group are less prevalent than reducible polynomials; in Paper 17 we use diophantine equations to solve the cubic and quartic cases. Along the way, we determine the order of magnitude of the number of monic, irreducible D4 quartics with integer coefficients between -H and H. While at Oxford I was also a Junior Research Fellow at Wolfson College.

A faculty position

I was hired as an Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick in September 2019. Gallagher's theorem is a strong form of Littlewood's conjecture that holds for almost all pairs of reals. In Paper 25, we establish a fully-inhomogeneous version of Gallagher's theorem; my collaborator was given an award for this work. We also discover a surprising threshold for Liouville fibre refinements, and solve cases of an inhomogeneous variant of the DuffinSchaeffer conjecture.


There was a number theory programme running virtually, hosted by the Mittag-Leffler Institute from January to April 2021, for which I was a Junior Fellow. There were three parts: Number Theory and Probability, Analytic Number Theory, and Rational Points. In Paper 22, we settle van der Waerden's 1936 conjecture on Galois groups of random polynomials, save for the alternating group and degrees 7, 8, 10.