Samantha Wile

WPI Teacher Prep Program

In the Fall of 2019, I was a student teacher at Wachusett Regional High School. During this time, I worked towards receiving my Massachusetts’s Initial Teaching License in high school mathematics while completing my Interdisciplinary Qualifying Project. To receive the license, I demonstrated proficiency in six elements: reflective practice, adjustment to practice, high expectations, safe learning environment, meeting diverse needs, and well-structured lessons. I describe my growth in these elements, the classes I taught, and how WPI prepared me for this experience. I also include sample lesson plans, assessments, and student feedback to further show my development as an educator.


I would like to thank Samantha Cornwell (my mentor teacher), Martha Bedrosian (my program supervisor) and Shari Weaver (my seminar instructor) for their assistance during my teaching practicum. Sam, thank you for allowing me into your classroom and your advice throughout my time at WRHS. Your input on different lesson ideas as well as management techniques were invaluable. You have inspired me as both a teacher and a student. Martha, thank you for your consistent feedback on how I can improve as a teacher. You continued to push me to grow as an educator in ways I did not know I could. Shari, thank you for your instruction on the different aspects of teaching, and for always being there to help me during my practicum.