Your way into SalamAir

We’re looking for cadets who have a burning ambition to be the world’s best pilots.

The following is designed to provide an example of our training footprint for the Integrated CPL/MEIR SalamAir Cadet Pilot Program: 

Preparation course

The first phase is the preparation course which will be held in the Arabian Development & Training Institute (ADTI) located in Muscat, Athaiba. 

During which, the cadet pilot will be conducting the Computer Based Training (CBT) related to aircraft system, as well as a mockup for Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). 

During the period of the course, the cadet pilot will be going through assessments related to the Aircraft Systems.

Duration: six weeks

Type rating phase

The second phase of the training program is the type rating phase, which will be done in an approved Airline Training Organization.

Duration: two months

Line training phase

The final stage of training in airlines, now with passengers onboard. Cadets fly with line training captains (LTC) to brush up their skills in normal operation on line. 

The line training phase consists of 100 sectors divided into 8 stages.

Duration: Based on the number of flights (6 months approximately)

Line operation Phase

During the line operation phase, the cadet pilot will be released as First Officer.

Duration: 18 Months

Flying Hours: 1500 Hours