The Expedition II

Birth of the GreensKing


One morning in the deep green forest... They began the hunt. Fresh and healthy looking fleshy preys are scattered all around the forest. Ramfar Legion V is always full of life.

Mape : "Floran iss still curiouss about the branchess in your head"

Kahli : "Floran cracks them out ssometimes, but it growss back again within a week"

Mape : "Why?"

Kahli : "It'ss hard to fit through tight places and it iss also an instant bow"

Mape : "Floran is a sstrange Floran"

Kahli : "Mape being alive iss more strange"

Mape : "Floran burried me alive"

Kahli : "Floran looked dead, but Floran iss happy Floran is okay"

In the middle of their conversation he saw more preys.

Kahli : "Sssshh, Floran sees prey"

Mape : "Kahli, there'ss nothing in front"

He started aiming a bow to out of nowhere and released it instantly. They chased the arrow and Mape got surprised from what she saw.

Mape : "How did Floran ssee that from there!?"

Kahli : "It'ss clearly visible? is floran blind?"

Mape : "Floran shot from the mountain!"

Kahli's hunting and combat skills has greatly improve due to an adventure through different stars in search for a planet that he could never find. The mindbreaking map got him everywhere, but it gave a massive pay off.

They went back to the tribe with lots of dead fleshes which are meats now. The tribe once again celebrated the return of Kahli from a little walk around the galaxy. Kahli's position in the tribe is unconsiderable due to the great abilities he possess... greater than a greenfinger. The Greenfinger decided to make him a Greenfinger as well, unfortunately Kahli can't wear the headress and he doesn't like the dress aswell. Since Kahli already have his unique look, Nebatir accepted his look as it is as a Greenfinger.

The tribe has now two rulers. Kahli is passive enough to keep the peace between him and Nebatir, not a single argument has been encountered. Unfortunately, Kahli does not stay too long in the tribe. He's getting ready to set out again. Mape wishes to join but he does not want any more casualties from his beloved tribe. The tragedy of his past cannot be forgotten. Better be alone than suffer in regret.

After a few days, Kahli prepared his ship to fly. The tribe began to sound the drums of salute as their great leader is about to leave. When he stepped on his boat he promised to return not too long. The Florans are happy to hear it and yelled louder when the ship started to move. He flew to the skies for the third time but he is not certain if he will find the planet he is looking for this time.


Few days has past...

One floran guard saw a figure incoming closer to the tribe. He sounded the gong and all the guards went to their defensive position. The Greenfinger was disturbed, and is fierce. Mape was alerted by the sound of war. As it gets closer they can finally see it clearly. What they saw was a space ship, a medium sized one. It landed in front of the entrance of the tribe then one apex came out along with its guards.

Geonid : "I've come in peace! I'm just looking for Captain Kahli! Is he here!?"

Mape : "Nebatir, thiss ape is a friend."

Geonid : "Greetings Mape, it's nice to see you again. We've discovered an ancient rock with carvings. And there's something in the carvings that we've seen before."

Nebatir : "Iss that so? I am Greenfinger Nebatir, the leader of the Ramfar Legion tribe. Kahli just left the tribe to travel once more. If you have more to talk about... let'ss discuss further inside."

Geonid : "Thank you, Greenfinger Nebatir. As a greenfinger of this tribe where Kahli belongs... I believe you must know more."

They went inside to discuss further...

Geonid : "This rock has carvings on it, it's a Goddess with branches on his head... more like a tree. It's something very similar to the floran we both know... Kahli. Since he is the only floran that possess this trait, this must be his ancestor or a relative."

Nebatir : "so you're ssaying that Kahli iss a demigod?"

Geonid : "That, we are not certain. We found more rocks with more gods and goddesses with their names, traits, and the power they possess. This Goddess that looks like Kahli is Goddess Maia, the goddess of Nature. I know this might just some ancient beliefs carved on a rock... but we saw something very similar with our own eyes and it exists."

Nebatir : "I undersstand... but what now? you're gonna do some tests on him? I will not approve that"

Geonid : "heh... no I am not a science freak that dissects all unusual entities I see like the others. But I am gonna do some tests that will not harm or cage the floran. I and the GAPA has been receiving a lot of raid reports from multiple races. The locations are moving in a straight line... and from our radar it's going straight to this planet. So we gathered here to evacuate you all as well."

Nebatir : "How did you find Ramfar Legion?"

Geonid : "I left a tracker on Kahli's boat when entity B-5 was destroyed. To make sure he return home safely despite of being alone and wounded. Unfortunately, the tracker's transmission has a delay depending on its distance."

Nebatir : "I appreciate the concern, but we are not leaving. If they want war againsst us, then let them come to their deathss"

Geonid : "Nebatir... I am afraid you cannot win from them. According to the reports they are undestructible. Your tribe has no match from them"

Nebatir : "You don't know them... you don't know uss... we're not going anywhere. You can watch uss crush them if you want."

Geonid : "It seems that I can't stop you... but if you fail... please retreat for your people."

Nebatir : "We never failed."

The meeting was over. They all went outside and started preparing for the war. Spears, shields, swords, arrows... all are ready to taste blood, catapults and canons are ready to destroy, walls are ready to defend, and the Florans are hungry for a fight.

Geonid : "Colonel"

Col. Mike : "Yes, doc?"

Geonid : "We need an evacuation route ready before this war begins"

Col. Mike : "Roger that doc"

The colonel went back to their ship to grab their radio.

Col. Mike : "HQ, this is Col. Mike, can you read me?"

HQ : "#loud and clear sir"

Col. Mike : "The negotiation has failed, the tribe leader refused to evacuate. Requesting 5 evac birds to planet Ramfar Legion V. We may also need a little weight to withstand the pressure."

HQ : "#Roger that Colonel. Please stand by for commander's confirmation"

Col. Mike : "Copy"

Geonid : *sigh* "shouldn't have given that Floran the map we found floating on the sea."

Col. Mike : "why not?"

Geonid : "Even we... can't find where the hell that map is trying to lead us. It seem unexistent"

Col. Mike : "Don't worry doc. The Floran is on track and General Rigel is after em"

Geonid : "Good thing I placed that tracker on that ship"

HQ : "#Colonel, the request have been confirmed. Evacuation forces and support are sent to your location."

Col. Mike : "Copy that HQ, thank you and out"

Geonid : "The florans seem almost ready... we should get a better position now"

Col. Mike : "Roger that doc. We're changing position! move out!"


Out in space... A crew of 400 in a single ship flies to chase one single floran. Full defences are online, not a single entity can come close. The crew are taking their time at peace. The General stands in the front part of the ship, a large pilot room with technical workers on their computers. He stands there giving orders and instruction to the crew.

Angela : "Sir, it seems the floran is somewhere nearby. Must be in one of the planets in these systems nearby."

Gen. Rigel : "Get his direction. Stephanie, send the coordinates to HQ. I need two hu-

Roy : "Sir! Something's coming this way! It's heading directly at us! and it's fast as hell!"

Gen. Rigel : "Then shoot it down"

Roy : "We are sir! But it's still going!"

Ley : "Multiple entities incoming!"

System : "Warning. Projectile inbound. Activating durasteel shield."

Gen. Rigel : "Shoot em' with a cannon"

Lt. Kris : "Yes sir! Prepare the cannon!"

Pvt. Thomas : "Yes sir! Ready to fire!"

Lt. Kris : "Take aim! Fire!"

They fired the large cannon. It hit the mysterious projectile and exploded violently. Some debris was visible floating but more suddenly swooshed out of the smoke. They started hitting the ship and quaked the entire thing.

System : "Warning. Critical damage detected. Please evacuate immediately."

Gen. Rigel : "Prepare the men! Kris, get your men and secure the evac route. Get everyone to the escape pods."

Lt. Kris : "Rigel wait! Where are you going!?"

General Rigel : "I left my tracker on my desk Im going back to get it."

Lt. Kris : "All alone? are you mad!?"

Gen. Rigel : "Get moving soldier."

The two got seperated. The Lieutenant gathered his team and fled straight to the evac room. The General ran to his office to grab his portable tracker. Gunfire, screams, yelling of orders as well as explosions are everywhere.

In the hallway a projectile suddenly pierced through and blocked the way. The General realized that the projectiles were actually small ships with aggressive creatures inside. A horde of apes came out as a surprise and attacked him. The General quickly pulled his M4 Carbine and shot the nearest ape on the knee, smacked its face, and started to shoot rapidly at the others. He regret wasting much ammo because he doesn't have much. He ran to another hallway to his office.

Lt. Kris : "#General, can you read me?"

Gen. Rigel : "Loud and clear, How's the situation?"

Lt. Kris : "#There are god knows how many hostiles on the ship. They seem to be different races with poisoned minds. They act very wierd and a little clumsy. However, they are dangerous. So watch your back. Also, We are on position.

Gen. Rigel : "I see, keep holding the line. Make sure everyone gets there safely."

Lt. Kris : "#Roger that, and hurry the hell up!"

He continued moving forward. He's just 200 meters away from his office. The hostiles are spreading around the ship. He used his Glock to preserve the ammo of his assault rifle. He tried to conserve his ammo as much as possible by shooting less and just use his bare hands making heavy blows. Unfortunately he ran out when he reached his office. He grabbed everything he needed and got some assault rifle ammunitions. He began to run back.

Lt. Kris : "#What the hell Rigel! Where are you!?"

Gen. Rigel : "I got the tracker. Heading to the evac route. Situation?"

Lt. Kris : "#We're almost running out. We're being outnumbered. They are pushing us back."

Gen. Rigel : "leave if you must. I can take care of myself."

Lt. Kris : "#*sigh* I'll hold as long as I can. Hurry up and get your ass over here!"

Gen. Rigel : "Copy that."

He ran faster but the horde of hostiles are slowing him down. Some hallways are blocked so he had no choice but to run across the long way. He noticed that Kris stopped calling him, so he started to run much faster. Before he reached the evac route he saw the hostiles have already pushed further in. He shoots rapidly once more and met Kris and a small team defending their pod.

Lt. Kris : "Rigel! Go to the last pod! We'll cover ya!"

He jumped into the last escape pod and launched off the ship. On the flight, Kris' pod and their team got hit by an artillery fire and spilled blood and iron all over. Rigel's pod got damaged due to the debris scattered like a grenade. He lost control over his pod, luckily, it got into an orbit of a planet nearby. The planet's gravity pulled the pod. Rushing into the planet his ship was on hellfire. He drifted into a forest like a bullet. Anyhow, he survived.

He woke up and it seems he's the only survivor. He made a small settlement and started searching for food. He successfully hunted a Hog for dinner. A sound from the bushes appeared out of nowhere, alerted the General and immediately picked up his gun. He saw a shadow but it's too fast he couldn't point his gun at it on time. Then it stopped for a moment. He pointed his gun and a floran suddenly jumped out and stabbed his gun. He pulled out his long knife and backed down. The floran struck again, he blocked its attacks. As he gets a closer look of the floran he knew it was the floran he's looking for. He couldn't speak because of its rapid attacks. The two had a rough fight until Rigel finally got time to speak.

Rigel : "KAHLI! STOP!"

Kahli paused as he heard his name.

Rigel : "Alright... stay calm... I am General Rigel of the GAPA. I am sent out to find you."

Kahli : "What do you want from me?"

Rigel : "You know Dr. Geonid right? He needs you. It's urgent so please lower your spear and come with me."


Kahli find Rigel's words trustworthy so he lowered his weapon and joined Rigel's settlement. They stopped by in an avian village. They were welcomed by the avians. Rigel warned the avians about the invaders that attacked his ship near the planet. The avians immediately enhanced their defences and improved their watches. The two got invited in a feast. While the peace is in commence Rigel reported Geonid's findings to Kahli. But Kahli opposed the discovery because he knows that he is born and grew in a regular floran tribe. Still, Rigel persisted as Geonid has many evidences that is clearly visible in just one glance on the floran. Kahli got confused and decided to find Geonid for questions as soon as the trouble is over.

On their stay, the avians were happy to show their culture. Kahli also shared the floran culture to the avians. Rigel watched the satisfying sight of a Floran and the Avians sharing each other's cultures and learning about both sides. They also pulled Rigel in to share the human culture. He had no choice but to introduce humanity to them and came along with the cultural collage. They all rejoiced in ethusiastic and lively ways imaginable.

At midnight, a gong suddenly rang and the avians were in panic. All the armed avians rushed to the east where the attack is alarmed, Rigel and Kahli followed. When they reached the edge of the village, Rigel saw death himself. An army of heavy armored knights marching towards them. So many they couldn't see the last line. Rigel asked the Stargazer (an avian ruler) to evacuate all the villagers. The stargazer can already see why he asked, so he did as he said. The avian guards stood in rows. Kahli joined the front lines and Rigel stood at the back managing the army as a general. The enemy has greatly outnumbered them, making all avians are sweating in fear. When the knights started attacking, they started shaking. They stood still with their shields in front and spears pointed forward until the enemy hits them. The knights crashed into the front lines and caused massive casualty to the avians. Kahli aggressively stabbed the knights coming towards them. A large knight suddenly came out of nowhere and hit the floran with a large mace. It gave him an extreme knockback and weakened him. Rigel grabbed his rifle and rushed towards Kahli while the avians are retreating. He grabbed Kahli while shooting incoming knights. His bullets are barely penetrating their armors, spending a lot of ammo just for one knight. Catapults rained over the village destroying everything. Rigel is determined to retreat with Kahli since his mission is to return Kahli to Geonid alive. The large knight ran and pushed away his fellow knights to smite and finish Kahli. Then a bullet suddenly hits its head bringing it down. The General looked back and saw a man on a motorcycle aproaching.

Rigel : "Blaze!? What the hell are you doing out of the cell!?"

Blaze : "I'm here to save yer deym ass moron! now get on teh fckn bike!"

He mounted the bike with Kahli and covered the escaping avians. Blaze drove straight to the rescue team with a ship. The general is satisfied to see that there are ships for the avians to escape aswell. As soon as they get in the ship they flew as far as they can. The knights fired an anti-airship artillery at them and hit the rescue ship. The ship lost its altitude and crashed somewhere distant from the village.


The Ramfar Tribe has set up. With full confidence they stood on place waiting for their enemies, while Dr. Geonid and the GAPA men made their post from behind. All spears, shields, and grenades are ready for some heat. The doctor is a bit concerned from a the record of 67 planets annihilated. Greenfinger Nebatir fears nothing and is hungry for destruction. The Ramfar florans are in phalanx formation ready to stab every single one. They're all ready to battle guarding the forest.

at sunset, a visible figure was spotted at a distant. They all aimed their spears and guns forward. The figure looks like a giant ship. It landed on the plains gently and firmly. Geonid grabbed his binoculars took a peek on what's going on. However he regret looking at it. Mike sensed fear from Geonid and it made him nervous. A visible carpet of blackness has seen marching towards them. When got closer they can finally see it clearly. It's the same figure that destroyed the avians that Kahli and Rigel met. Nebatir sounded the horn, then the drums of war started.

Knight leader : "Drop your weapons! They will be in better use for us."

A flying spear came out of nowhere piercing the Knight leader's face

Nebatir : "come and get them!"

When the enemies started to run they fiercely charged at them. Blood spilled all over. The strength of the florans almost surpassed the knights, however they are outnumbered and the armor of the knights are heavier. The Greenfinger joined the battle after a while. Unfortunately, it is clear that they are losing. Geonid convinced Nebatir to retreat and agreed after seeing a lot of florans die in the battle. The retreat has finally been called. Two stationary miniguns from two towers fired creating a wall of raining bullets giving the florans time to run back to the evacuation ships. They were all lucky they all have started flying away before a catapult wrecked the miniguns.

Col. Mike : "This is col. Mike. We have lost the battle, we're going back to HQ with a tribe of florans. We've also gathered some information about the swarm."

HQ : "#Copy that. Fly as fast as you can. You may not wanna get followed. Report has been delivered to the command and is waiting for orders. Standby."

Col. Mike : "Roger that."

Dr. Geonid : "Any casualty records?"

Col. Mike : "Well... we lost about 20 florans and 32 of them are wounded I think."

Greenfinger Nebatir : "Where are we going now?"

Col. Mike : "We're heading to our headquarters and recover. We'll take action afterwards."

Dr. Geonid : "I guarantee we're gonna need Kahli for this. I wonder how they're doing."

Col. Mike : "He's probably with General Rigel by now. He never failed a mission."

Greenfinger Nebatir : "Kahli never losess a fight too."

Dr. Geonid : "I doubt the two are even in a bad situation then."

The escape was a success. They have reached the HQ without being followed or left a trace. The florans rested got treated by the medical team. Mike, Geonid and Nebatir went straight to the command center to meet Commander Scotfield for informations and updates. They greeted the commander with a salute and asked for updates for Rigel and Kahli's situation.

Commander Scotfield : "Currently we're having trouble contacting them. We recieved info from Rigel's ship being raided and destroyed. I made a bargain with Blaze then sent him and a rescue team to their last recorded coordinates. The good news is... they found the general and the floran together. And the bad news is... we lost transmission after the rescue ship went flying."

Col. Mike : "Did you send another team?"

Greenfinger Nebatir : "Iss Kahli okay?"

Commander : "Yes we sent another team. And the floran was reported weakened. No worries, we sent our best and skilled team after alpha. They're all gathering power at this rate."

Dr. Geonid : "Blaze, Rigel and Kahli sounds like an atomic bomb."

Commander Scotfield : "That is also true. Right now, we are calling Kahli's friends for aid. You three should rest. We're gonna set a plan later."

***THE MAGE***

Once a Mage lived on a thick tower, happily living with his kitten without any worries. He went out to for some flowers, taking his time without any hurries. He got his ingredient, it is time to go home. But then a large explosion appeared for inconvenience, and a sudden gunfire followed. He went to its direction and hid a on a bush, he saw three people... no two... and a thing. The thing looked like a bush, no... It is a floran... with a branch on its head... he had never seen such thing.

Rigel : "This thing is damn heavy!"

Blaze : "I see a shelter ahead, we should head in."

Rigel : "oh wow, now you're telling me what to do."

The Mage stalked them on their way to his home. They went in and put Kahli down. They rested for a while until the door opened. Alerted, the two pointed their guns on the old man.

Mage : "Hey! Calm down, I mean no harm."

They put their arms away and relaxed once again.

Blaze : "Is this your place? old man."

Mage : "Yes, you all look devastated... Specially that floran."

Blaze : "yeah this guy is pretty much rekt"

Rigel : "Apologies for the inconvinient stop sir. We won't be long."

Mage : "No no... Let me help. I have something that can heal your wounds."

Rigel : "Thanks kind sir, may we have your name?"

Mage : "I am Alfred. There are some meds on the shelf. And mind if I take a look at the floran?"

Rigel : "You gained our trust."

Alfred : "Thank you."

The Mage inspected Kahli while treating them. He saw something very familiar from the floran. He started to recognize its appearance. Kahli woke up, surprised by Alfred, he jumped out and grabbed a pointy long piece of wood. Alfred is smart enough to tame him easily. They stayed put for half an hour and they gained back their strengths. The mage remembered something.

Alfred : "I think I know who you are."

Kahli : "Me?"

Rigel : "Is it true tho?"

Blaze : "what the hell are you all talkn' about."

Alfred : "I see what's going on here."

Rigel : "So you know what those things are?"

Alfred : "Yes, and you are lucky you have the floran."

Blaze : "Alright. How about you tell us who the bloody hell this floran is and explain what's happening."

Alfred : "Well... Time is running... I have firearms kept in the basement. You're lucky I like to salvage things."

Blaze : "Sweet!"

Rigel : "Wait we're going back to fight?"

Alfred : "Do not worry, you have me."

Alfred grabbed his staff and raised it. The crystal on the top started glowing extremely bright. He opened the window and summoned an army of wooden creatures. He also summoned workers to forge arms. Blaze and Rigel began assembling their firearms and Kahli followed Alfred to a secret room. Alfred took Kahli to a mystic room underground. An overgrown cave with a spear stabbed on a rock in the middle. The spear has a crystal in the center of the blade. The cave is full of markings about the legends of Ahmiterian Gods.

Kahli : "That'ss one shiny spear!"

Alfred : "heh... it is. And it is not just a shiny spear. It is a special spear that I think is meant for you."

Kahli : "How sso?"

Alfred : "This spear is named The Forest Fire. It is forged by your mother, Maia, and Zeine, the god of fire. Nobody has ever pulled that spear out the rock. I would like you to try."

Kahli : "Soundss cool."

Kahli approached the spear. He took a good look at the spear as it seems familiar to him. He quickly grabbed it and pulled. He felt a strange sudden shock as the crystal glew green. The rock exploded and shattered to pieces. Alfred fell off his feet by the shaking of the ground. He was amazed looking at Kahli holding the spear. The Crystal glows and burns green. Kahli felt a connection between him and the spear. At the moment, Alfred sees the legend right before his eyes for the first time.

Everyone is finally ready to fight. They marched towards the direction of the wasted avian village. The heavy stomps caught the attention of the Knights. The fierce floran is excited to stab with his new spear. The others are fierce and the General is ready to avenge his comrades. They stopped when they saw the knights and asked for peace just in case. The knights denied and started rushing towards them. Kahli blew the war horn then they all charged. Rigel and Kahli rages against the knights showing no mercy. Blaze is enjoying shooting heads with explosive bullets. Alfred casts strong spells destroying portions of knights. When Kahli burned in rage when he saw the large knight that smacked him on the face. He and the knight ran straight towards each other. The angrier he gets the hotter the green crystal burns. So mad he swung his spear like an axe instead of stabbing. Then he hits the knight so hard it flew back like a bullet, crushing the other knights and died after being pierced by a pike on the neck. The war ended leaving no knight alive.


In a vast flat terrain with hills on the back (north), all the leaders are in place setting up their defenses and organizing their armies. Sharpening their swords, loading their cannons, preparing boxes of ammo, and preparing their guts for the attack.

Commander Scotfield : "How long until their arrival?"

Col. Mike : "About 3 hours sir. We should be prepared on time"

Nebatir : "Why are we letting them come for uss? if we can sstrike right away?"

Commander Scotfield : "We cannot hit them full force in the skies. Fighting them on a planet is the best shot."

Captain Tlihua : "Do they know that we're here?"

Dr. Geonid : "We don't know for sure. But we are sure that they are coming, that's all that matters."

King Thunderbolt : "Front line has been set up. My men are in place."

Master Hikari : "My men are ready. Any other plans we got left?"

Commander Scotfield : "You all stand with your men. Be sure to pay attention on your radios. Communicaton is very important. we don't know what or who they are, we must be alert on every action they make."

The formation of their defense are ready. The glitch army and the floran army are on the front lines, Hylotl warriors are on the middle, Glitch archers on the back, and GAPA gunners and Avian crews are on the back operating cannons and artilleries. Only one thing to do left. Pray for mercy. The enemies have arrived. A giant ship landed on the south, the other end of the plains. Thousands of dark heavy armored knights marched and formed their battle formation led by series of leaders. Then their headmaster walked down while the army is giving him way. Hell, itself, showed up. Three eyed, horned, with a wolf skull burning purple. Its monstrous appearance gave shivers to everyone's spine. He stood in front and gave a speech.

??? : "Look at you all. Filthy low-life creatures. No wonder your gods are disappointed at you. I am Ordo, and I am here to destroy you all. It's pretty convinient you all already lined up to die. I shall grant you all what you're here for then... Destroy them."

Ordo's army charged heavily with their loud monstrous yell and heavy armors and weapons. The Glitches and the Florans growls with full courage. Their fear becomes anger, and their hope for mercy changed to a will to destroy. They pointed their spears, swords and shield ready for impact.

Nebatir : "Desstroy them all!"

Ramfar Florans : "Ahu! Ahu!"

Thunderbolt : "No Mercy!"

Glitch Knights : "Hurrah!"

The front lines charged as well to give a blow on the enemies. The collision sounded like a giant bell and a wave of metals. They became agressive, stabbing and slicing rapidly with heavy impact. From the planned tactics, they suddenly made a wall of their shields.

Col. Mike, Captain Tlihua & Master Hikari : "FIRE!!"

The artilleries, bows and the guns fired at once. Destroying a massive number of the black knights. The machine guns continued to fire taking down layer by layer. The Black Knights raised their shields which are twice as large. The bullets barely penetrated the dark metals. The GAPA and the avians stopped firing to reload. Suddenly a catapult raised from the other side and fired huge rocks into the air.

Commander Scotfield : "INCOMING! TAKE COVER EVERYONE!"

The rocks destroyed almost everything on the hills and even the hills itself. A lot of them got crushed along with the cannons and artilleries. The front lines started to rally and push forward. They tried to recover from the massive damage, but the catapults continued to rain rocks. They can barely move from one point to another. The Commander ordered the front line to persist through. The glitches and the florans scattered and ran forward. It gave the hylotl warriors a space to attack as well. The battle continues loudly.

The Colonel saw the Commander drinking a bottle of wine in the corner.

Col. Mike : "Commander?"

Commander Scotfield : "We lost Colonel."

Col. Mike : "But we're still fighting?"

Commander Scotfield : "Look closely, we're half of their population. All our artilleries are damned. People are dying already. Plus, look up. They sent asteroids to end us all any second now."

Col. Mike : "I don't think that's an asteroid nor theirs sir..."

Commander Scotfield : "What?"

The so called asteroids from a distance fired rockets into the middle lines of the enemies and it slowly turned into a figure of ships as it gets closer. Kahli can is visible standing on the nose of the front ship holding his spear.

Rigel : "RELOAD!!"

Blaze : "How does it taste ye fat niggas!?"


The florans doubled their force. Almost sending enemies flying due to heavy impact.


They all rallied prepared to die. Kahli's army flew towards the enemies while firing artilleries and muskets. Blaze is excited to test his flamethrower. Rigel is madly firing two handminiguns. Kahli is staring at Ordo trying to scare him off. He threw his spear down creating a explosion on impact and sent a line of enemies flying burning them. He reached his arm and it returned to him. Ordo ordered to fire rocks at them. But when they loaded the catapults, the hylotl archers broke the catapults and it fired at the black knights instead.

Ordo got pissed off. He drew his double headed axe and stabbed the ground creating a force that sent his knights and the front allied lines flying. The ships landed on the enemies crushing them. Everyone on the ship jumped on the enemies to attack. Ordo joined the battle and sliced five minions in one swing. Kahli aggressively stabbed and smashed the black knights on his way to Ordo. Looking at Ordo gives him anger. His body started to emit green flames and his pupils glows bright. His spear started exploding enemies and becomes heavier. Ordo found him as a strong threat. He charged at him gripping his axe tight. They both landed on each other's weapons making a massive force around them and send everyone flying once again. Blaze is at a distance complaining about it.

Ordo : "Well well well... Those horns look very familiar."

Kahli : "What do you mean by that, you foul ugly rotten dog."

Ordo : "I think I saw your mother in a cell."

Kahli didn't like what he heard. He pushed Ordo and smashed his spear on him. Ordo managed to catch the blow.

Ordo : "Woah now, it's not my fault. It's yours. For existing. And those fools behind you. For forgetting."

Kahli continued to strike, Ordo keeps blocking. There seems no chance of Ordo getting hit no matter how agressive Kahli is. Kahli got tired and weak.

Ordo : "Your momma's lazy ass king asked me to kill you all one by one. Momma looks disappointed on his baby. Unable to save her."

Ordo kept on pissing Kahli off to make him tired. Kahli continues to strike persistently. While getting weaker Ordo starts to pay attention on his surrounding. He sees that his army is losing the battle. He spinned his axe with chains gutting 40 men including glitches, hylotls and florans. Kahli went berserk, he punched Ordo back repeatedly following a powerful kick that threw him back. Immediately grabbed his spear and stabbed Ordo's chest. However Ordo's armor is not an ordinary armor, it's his power itself. The spear couldn't penetrate enough but a scratch. Ordo grasped the spear and stabbed Kahli.

Ordo : "You're starting to annoy me, floran."

He threw the floran with the spear away from the battle. Everyone stopped seeing Kahli flying into the air pierced by his spear. He landed behind the hills on the west. The 4 leaders showed up and attacked him but they had no match from the demon. Nebatir jumped out of nowhere to strike Ordo. Almost as strong as Kahli but obviously not any better for Ordo.

Ordo : "Is this it!? This is the best you can do!? Well then. I guess I'll kill you first, smelly walking vegetable."

Everyone charged at Ordo directly but ended dying one by one. Suddenly, the ground shook aggressively. They all dropped off their feet. They saw the shadow of the mountain moving up. A glimpse on the skies had them heavy breathing. The true terror showed up in battle. Not the evil, but the anger of the nature. They saw a 70 meters humanoid figure made of rocks and dirt standing up. Due to the movement of the very large entity, the winds blew hard compressing the clouds resulting lignthings. The form has been revealed by the flashes of the lightning. It has Kahli's form as nature itself, the eyes started to glow. His great power given by his mother was awaken. The titan Kahli grabbed a long rock revealing his spear as a giant rock. He made a stance like hunting a deer and about to stab.


All the allied forces retreated. The spear drilled forward devastating Ordo's army. Ordo grew 5 meters and jumped high towards kahli's head intending to strike it. But the floran smashed him with his head throwing him back to the ground unable to move. Kahli made a downward stabbing stance as his final blow.

Ordo : "Damn it. Bring it on! Show me what you got!"

Kahli didn't hesitate to continue the blow creating a serious earthquake and destruction on the land. Heavy clouds of dirt scattered. He drilled the spear down to half of its size to make sure he destroys the armor and Ordo dies. The Chaos Ends.

***THE KING***

All the noise are gone What's left is the sound of the wind and the fog. The Commander ordered everyone to restore their defensive formation and stay alert. Only half of their total population survived.

Rigel : "Everyone stand back. Blaze come with me"

Rigel and Blaze slowly entered the fog to see what happened. A loud rock banging suddenly drew them backwards. They saw the rocks falling from above. They looked up and saw Kahli's giant form lifeless. The fog slowly moves away giving them vision on the giant spear stabbing the ground. Pieces of the armor scattered around it. Therefore, Ordo is no more. A heavy object fell behind them. They both turned around pointing their guns on it. But, what they saw is the victorious floran who defeated Ordo. Kahli is badly injured and weakened, so they assisted him on his way back to his friends.

Everyone rejoiced seeing the three legends walking back. The Commander immediately ordered the abled men to help grab the wounded for their retreat. The florans are dying in joy to see Kahli alive, especially Mape. She ran and gave Kahli her warmest hug. Kahli is relieved seeing Mape with no injuries. Everyone bowed before Kahli.

Ramfarian : "All hail the GreenssKing!"

Other Ramfarian : "Ahu! ahu!"

Everyone yelled loudly.

Kahli : "Sstand up. I'm not a ruler."

Nebatir : "They're praising your strength, silly."

The 4 leaders, the Commander and Kahli gathered to declare alliance and victory. Each of them were given a communication device to stay intact. Alfred didn't need one since he has his ways.

Rigel : "Where's Mike?"

Geonid : "He... didn't make it."

Rigel : "What!?"

Commander : "I'm sorry. But he got strucked by a knight and bled to death. We're unable to save him on time."

They looked down for respect of the Colonel's death as they watch him being loaded to the ship covered in cloth.

Commander : "So... Blaze. What are you up to now?"

Blaze : "Hmmmm... I think you could entertain me more?"

Rigel : "I'll take you with me and ensure you're dead next time."

Alfred poked Kahli while he's staring at the battle field.

Alfred : "The deaths are still bothering you? floran."

Kahli : "He ssaid he saw my mother in prison. He musst've been wherever that iss."

Alfred : "The Ahmiterian Kingdom?"

Kahli pulled out a piece of green stone similar to the crystal that is on his spear but a little different in color which he found in Ordo's body.

Kahli : "Tell me thiss is what I think it iss..."

Alfred : "Its color looks familiar. I suppose you feel something as you hold it."

Kahli : "How do I use it?"

Alfred : "We'll find out."

Geonid : "you think I could help?"

Alfred : "Ofcourse, doctor."

Commander : "Everyone, it's time to go back to HQ for recovery. All races must come for the best treatment."

Kahli : "Thank you, pleasse take care of the floranss"

Commander : "You're not coming?"

Alfred : "Well. I think we're on an adventure? Isn't that too early?"

Kahli : "No. You two are coming with the Commander. I'm going by mysself. Besides, It's already telling me my destination."

Commander : "I guess we can't stop you anyway. Take care out there."

Kahli : "You too"

Everyone is in the commander's ship and ready to go. Kahli watched their ship fly to the sky to make sure everything goes fine. When it successfully flew into the cosmos, he turned around and watched the sunrise. His ship gently flies towards him without any pilot. He aboarded the ship and manned the wheel. He's glad he had Geonid and Alfred to put the green rock on a stone vembrace so it won't get lost.

Kahli : "I'm coming for you, mother."