The Expedition

Tales Of A Floran Expedition

In a universe of White, Yellow, Green, Blue and Red stars...

Full of mysteries and myths all around scattered...

But most stories... are untold...


In planet Ramfar Legion V...

There be this Tribe of mythical creatures of Nature...

A race of plant-based unisex meat eating humanoids

called "Florans".

There once born a Floran named "Kahli"

From the word "Kalikasan",

Named by greenfinger Nebatir

(the leader of the tribe).

He has these green wild leaves,

Green hard skin,

A furious spirit,

His vision goes anywhere.

*Then a 16 summers old Kahli*

Kahli's on the hunt with his 5 great friends.

Excellent hunters they are...

As they who were born in the wild.

The primitives had countless kills and

ready to return to their home.

Kahli's eyes are everywhere,

observing the beauty of their location.

He suddenly saw something unusual to his sight...

Something not leaf green,

not wood brown,

not water blue...

But metal white.

His group approached the mysterious color,

And they saw a structure of modernity.

They went inside which is a mistake...

or is it?

They saw computers and datas,

but no one is inside.

They walked further more...

And sighted their mistake...

A horde of infected apes ran towards them,

but they... who had the spirit of great courage...

"Ssstab them all!" Kahli yelled.

The they charged as well and the battle begins...

Spears are stabbing, swords are swinging,

bones cracking and blood spilling...

The Florans had no casualty,

But the apes had no last standing.

"Sshould Floran go back now?" Mape asked...

Kahli refused as he was fascinated with the displayed science.

They saw thousands of species,

Millions of different kinds of rocks,

A matter manipulator,

and nothing recognizable.

Kahli found a ship in a bottle, he liked it and brought it home.

Millions of unanswerable question Kahli had...

Looked deeper into the little ship...

He had an idea of building one.

While meditating on his bed,

a loud gunfire appeared out of nowhere.

Outside he found people in hoods,

burning the forest,

showing no mercy to the tribe.

An unfortunate sighting,

filled him up with rage.

Grabbed his furious spear,

wrecked the bodies of the cults.

Fierce attitude inspired the tribe,

Violence roars till the last one standing.

Finally, peace has restored.

A feast for the tribe,

celebrating their success.

Honor for the one who led the bravery.

"Our mother, iss happy" Greenfinger Nebatir stated with a smile.

At their pleasurable feast, Kahli told everything they saw

in the place of great mysteries.

Kahli proposed an expedition

to start an exploration with a ship.

The Greenfinger approved.


The tribe started building this ship,

everything seems to be fine.

Skies are clear, and no Aholes seems to raid.

Everyone's workin' nicely, and the Manipulator made it easy as well, as for that.

The ship was finally done

faster than anyone's expectations.

The Greenfinger Nebatir asked for the Nature's blessing.

Then there was the Nature's blessing...

She gave the boat a bit of magic,

it made the ship float.

Everyone cheered up

and Kahli made his first step on the wood.

Exciting smile, he thanked their Mother solely.

Twelve Florans joined Kahli's crew,

"Now what? Captain Kahli"

"Make sstations!"

The Greenfinger and the tribe gave em salutations with drums, gongs, and primitive wind instruments.

The Captain and the crew also gave salutations through their furious yells.

And so they made their Goodbye.

"Open the canvas!"

The ship started to move.

Slowly going faster, Bumped into the leaves and branches.

A bumpy ride made em nervous.

Up to the skies they went,

And so they've found the blue air... at the sides...

"To sspa-"

A wild soul of the air says hello to them,

and a giant black clouds ate them whole.

Another bumpy ride they passed through,

Now with lightnings and water...

"Hold On! sship's going up!"

The crew holds on to the ship,

Losing their soul by the monstrous winds.

Faster they sailed they could't even touch the ground.

A swarm of giant birds greeted them with a surprise,

and the ship gave them a painful slap on the face too.

Struggling to fight while sailing on lightspeed,

they can't even raise their spears.

Surprisingly the ship isnt taking any damage.

Out of the giant angry cloud they flew,

and an asteroid they ran over into pieces,

it seems that there's no sign of slowing down,

Futuristic hostiles of space began to attack,

even machines makes mistakes...

Out of the planet they whooshed.


No questions... it's the Nature's magic.


Floating nicely on space...

No wonder how they survived in space...

The Nature has gone too far.

"An orange sstar ahead! Brace!"

"Why would-"

The gravity of the star pulled them too quick without a warning.

"Captain! the sship flying into the Sstar itsself!"

"That'ss the problem..."


"Iss Floran? oohhhh"

Captain Kahli steered the wheel panicking.

And he pointed the ship in completely the opposite direction.

But the ship gained the orbit,

The ship is saved...

Not looking at the sides they're heading straight to a blue planet,

Everyone panicked once again tried everything to control their ship,

they made the stupidest and the worst position for landing a ship...

The canvas lands first before the bottom.

A big splash they made...

The ship rotated itself 180 degrees sidways, it floats on the water.

The ship couldn't handle the captain.

Sailing and sailing and sailing...

Palm trees, sands n' waters,

nothing interesting to see.

Everyone got bored.

And they all started looking at the ocean.

They found it very interesting,

and so they've decided to dive in.

They rocked the ship the make it sink into the depths.

They've seen the beauty of the ocean,

and free meals everywhere.

And they've met what their ancestors hated the most...

They stopped by in a giant modern structure,

It's a underwater base of three eyed fishmen,

called "Hylotls".

The two races does not have a good history with each other.

Apparently the Florans have forgotten it all.

So they explored with a smile,

frightening the Hylotls.

The Hylotls had everything.

Stores, clubs, restaurants, arcade...

Florans are really amazed,

and couldn't resist wrecking the place with a party.

The Feeshes are too horrified to stop them,

they're smart enough to think that Floran pirates are the worst thing to exist.

Staring at em' while having fun is a pain in the ass.

They've lost their temper, grabbed some weapons and started a fight.

The Pirates saw it as a bar fight so they fought with the furnitures instead.

More destruction gave them more excitement,

Smashing is their favorite thing to do after all.

Smash! Smack! Kick! Punch!

Fun they are having fighting as a joke, but the damage is serious.

Rock Music made the fight more lively.

and ofcourse, the race of destruction won again.

They left the base just like going home from a fieldtrip.

Happy and exhausted.

This time, they flew gently to space... yes I'm serious.


Floating again in deep space...

"Oohhh that sstar looks beautiful"


"Full speed ahead!"

Excited, they rushed to the green star.

Closer to gain the gravity they whooshed again.

Nose pointed on a planet of brown and green,

an interesting color that catches the eyes of the captain.

"Orderss! Captain!"

"Jusst hold on!"

Entering the planet, they smelled good atmoshpere.

Closer to the ground, the louder they panic.

Finally, they made a perfect landing... vertically.

And the crew dived into the dirt.

Judging by their first look,

they pretty much liked the planet.

A lot to hunt, flying and crawling ones.

They felt quite strange about the radiation and

forced them to use the gas masked and protective gear Nebatir prepared for them.

Furthermore, they've seen the most unique species.

Hiding behind the trees, they spyed a village.

It's a village of feathered and beaked walking humanoids...

Called "Avians"

"That'ss a lot of meatss"

"Floran wantss to know more, don't stab yet"

They walked into the village,

some of them are eager to eat the birds.

They reached the middle of the town,

when suddenly all the beaked ones went inside their houses.

The leafies are very confused and started to have a bad feeling.

They entered a tall temple at the middle of the village

to see what's going on.

Captain Kahli once again got fascinated with the contents of the temple.

Symbols, Books and a console.

Hungry for knowledge they took a while inside.

A gong was smashed loudly,

"Ssshhh! Floran iss reading!"

"That'ss not Floran, captain!"

They heard a loud footstep all around the village,

along with a metal collision and wild voices of war.


They jumped out jumped out of the temple landing on a roof of a house.

They ran as fast as they can after seeing the entire village is armed.

"Captain! Floran wantss to bring one to the sship!"

"Too dangerouss! Keep running!"

Running through the jungle being chased by hundred of birds with swords and forks.

"Run if you don't want to become a vegetable salad!"

Remembering that the ship dug through the ground stuck,

They instead hid around the plants to camouflage.

The birds lost them and returned to the village.

Back to the ship they dug the soil to free the ship.

Worked and the ship is now free again.

They immediately sailed up out of the ground,

thanking the Nature the birds didn't have wings.

"Captain! there'ss another sship right there!"

They have encountered another flying ship,

eight times bigger than theirs.

It followed them and started firing bullets and canons.

"Doess our ship have canons!?"

"Only ssix, captain!"

"Load em' up!!"

"ayye captain!"

This time, it's a pirate battle.

The Avian ship sped up catched up with them.


They fired at the giant ship,

and did not do much damage.

The other ship has 24 canons on each side.

The crew panicked when the birds pointed all the canons at them.

The captain had one plan,

"Rock the sship!"

The crew rocked the ship being running on the sides left and right without any ideas what they're rocking the ship for.

The canons fired and hit the bottom of the ship as they rocked it,

the canon balls bounced back to the giant ship taking it down.

The Feathered Captain was so shocked he lost consciousness.

They forgot that the ship is indestructible,

the canon balls pushed a great force to the ship instead

making it spin sidways and fly back to space.


The ship is very quiet...

very quiet...

Everyone is sleeping peacefully...

They've started to feel...

Kinda cold... Too cold...

One woke up, saying


Everyone woke up... Panicking... Again...



They rushed to their stations,

trying to change course.

Trying to get off the star they instead hit a frozen planet.

They maintained inside the ship due to extreme coldness.

Lucky there were stacks of resources on their crates,

enough for them to make some thick clothing.

None but six decided to go out and explore.

Including Captain Kahli, Mape, and the other great friends of theirs.

They didn't see much but ruinied old structures.

Steampunk structures mostly.

They've spotted something very familiar to them...

a clean white structure but much larger.

They went inside and saw Apes.


Panicked as always

"WAIT! Hold your sspears!"

The apes are surprised and nervous too,

until Captain Kahli learned to introduce himself.

The head of the lab also introduced himself,

"I am Doctor Geonid, the head of the research"

Finally a friendly encounter...

The Geonid gave Kahli a long tour,

Kahli learned science and language.

and discovered the "Apex" race.

Heading to the Evolution lab...

A heavy smash was heard from the inside,

"Oh no..."

"Quick! Igor! sound the alarm!"

"Get back! that'ss a heavy creature Floran can tell"

"Yes it is captain... We're studying this terrifying monster,

and I think the modified DNA made a bad output"

A gigantic smash sounded with an earthquake

took them out of their feet

Kahli and Geonid took a peek on the small glass window...

"It went outside! we gotta go! now!"


"Holy Cow! What the hell is that!?"

Their Nightmare has come to reality,

8 trees tall... skin hard as metal...

A monster, worse than anything they've seen before.

"Mape! get the crew! Now!"

Mape ran back to the ship.

"Get ready to fight lads!"

Sceintists took out their guns, and made their positions.

The beast looked back and saw them,

Made the loudest roar Kahli has ever heard.

"Open Fire!"

They started shooting bullets and arrows.

It charged at them,

One big jump sent everyone off ground

followed with a stomp killing 5 apes.

"Fire the rocket launcher!"

One ape fired a rocket on the monster's face,

It explodes on its face, it just made it mad.

it stomped more and ate half of the apes.

The Florans attacked with melee but its skin is just too thick.

It showed no mercy, it attacks anything it sees.

Blood spilled everywhere, casualty is high.

It puked mutated creatures it developed from inside its body,

terrifyingly deadly, greatly outnumbered the Apes and the Florans.

Surrounded, trying to defend theirselves till their last breathe.

Escape seems impossible since they are on the center of a massive crater.

Suddenly, multiple noises appeared out of nowhere,

Marches, Propellers, horsesteps...

An army of medieval iron knights or "Glitches" appeared on the East,

Hylotl samurais and warriors appeared on the West,

Stars riding horses or "Novakids" appeared on the North,

And two familiar ships appeared on the South,


"Get aboard captain!"

all races charged at once,

A battle began within a range of 5 kilometers.

Kahli and his 4 great friends ran to the their ship.

Reaching the ship, Kahli covered the crew climbing up the ship.

Unfortunately he got tossed away before he even started climbing.

"Kahlii!!!" worried Mape,

"Get the wheel and load the canonss!"

Slash, Smack, Bullets, Musket balls, cannon balls, the war is noisy.

The Floran ship fired 3 cannon balls at once on the monster's face while it's busy puking minions.

It spits back a fireball of plazma heat at the ship...

the time slows down as Kahli looked at his entire crew burning to death.

The ship went down to the ground,

Kahli immediately followed and heard complete silence,

he found no last one standing for the Florans...

He carried his dead men out to a peaceful area in silence,

and sailed back to the battlegrounds.

He flew above the monster and cought its attention,

with the power of anger, he jumped with his spear and dived into its mouth.

Going through the throat gets hotter and hotter...

He held on to his spear pointing straight.

The insides are extremely soft tissues so he is able to cut through,

He went through its organs releasing hot acids...

and he went through the Heart.

He made his spear spin on his hands and cut the heart into half.

The beast is finally dead.

The minions are now limited, and the other races gained strength from inspiration.

The leaders of each race hurried to the monster's mouth and rescued Kahli.

Everything's now quiet...

Kahli is still unconscious.

"Kahli... hey wake up... Kahli! wake up!"

Kahli woke up being surrounded by the leaders of each race.

"He needs water"

Sheriff Chrome threw a bucket of water at kahli...

forgetting they're on a Frozen Planet.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" He jumped from extreme coldness.

"You idiot!" yelled the Samurai Master Hikari

"Ooohhhh... that's a pain..." commented Captain Tlihua

Geonid dried Kahli up with a dry towel and gave him a set of Hiker clothes to keep him warm


"No, Thank you."

"Well... he lived" said King Thunderbolt

The 6 leaders learned to join forces...

And are now buddies.

They all went back to their homes...

Kahli put the corpses of his crew back to the ship.

He sailed home to give his crew a proper burrial.

Twelve people to remember forever...

Greenfinger Nebatir asked him if he wants some new recruitment.

Kahli refused "Floran doesn't want any more deathss from this tribe"

So he sailed again... now by himself, and gave Geonid's advise a shot.

"Here's a map, follow it... It leads you to this planet I think you should see."