
Physical events at St Thomas have resumed in line with COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines.


The online services, which will continue to be broadcast, will be moved to 18H30 each Sunday evening. For in-person attendance, there will be two services each Sunday. There will also be services on a Wednesday. The venues and the all-inclusive number of people (communicants, altar party, sides-persons, etc.) or description of self-contained groups of congregants are given in brackets:

* Two Sunday services up and running (8am and 10am)

* One online service (6:30pm)

* Sunday School running (10am) and has a new set-up where children are welcomed and take part in the Eucharistic liturgy (a new development)

* Wednesday Ladies meet regularly and continue to be a solid support for continuous charitable ministry, and a solid number of seniors attend the Wednesday Mass an take part in the worship with gusto in the Lady Chapel

* Confirmands are excited that they will finally be confirmed (Saturday, 16th October, at St Martin’s-in-the-Veld)

* Candidates for first communion will be admitted on Sunday, 24th October

As a way to keep our worship and fellowship going during this period service's onto our Facebook Group for you to enjoy in the comfort of your own home during lockdown. Please keep a close eye on our Facebook page which can be found here for more;

Please also note that if you would like to view any of the services, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch services again;

Please note our upcoming online services take place at 18:30 every Sunday on our Facebook page and thereafter uploaded to our Youtube channel