Saint Raphael

High School Ministry

What is HSM?

High School Ministry—or HSM for short—is the ministry to, for, by, and with the High School Teens of Saint Raphael Parish and all of Bay Village. We’re open to anyone and everyone who is interested in growing as a disciple of Jesus Christ and living a more full life. We want to help you be who you were created to be so that you can set the world on fire!

We have lots of opportunities to join our community: Sunday Insight Nights (where we discuss interesting and challenging topics, pray together, snack, and play fun games), Retreats, Service Opportunities, Camping Trips, Eucharistic Adoration, the National Catholic Youth Conference, and sometimes just going to hockey games or playing laser tag. You can come to as much or as little as you desire… there is no minimum requirement to be a part of High School Ministry.

We want to change the world, and we can’t do that without each and every unique personality shaping who we are and what we do. Come and check us out (we kick off the new school year on September 10th!) and help us to be the best version of ourselves. You are always welcome to join us... See you there!

For More Info, Check out this Website or Contact Zak via the "Contact Us" tab

Meet Our Youth Minister

Zak Jester

Director of Youth Ministry and Confirmation

(440) 360-7778