The chorus portrays Saint in his neighborhood, enjoying the company of his close friend, taking "champagne shots" and asserting his dominance. He warns others not to pretend to know him or his lifestyle, threatening to send them away ("send you to the shops").

MCU Stevens and GI in parkas stand in front of Toluca jeep.US Army comes across railcars filled with dead prisoners in Dachau and assists survivors. LS along row of boxcars on railroad siding, GIs in distance, snow on ground. GI walks into FG looking at cars. MS corpse of inmate in striped uniform lies on gravel beside track, CU. Snow-covered corpse curled in corner of boxcar. MS from behind, GIs looking down at dead SS man, CU battered face, other dead SS. Frozen bodies of dead prisoners covered in snow in boxcar, CU of haunting face, pile of bodies in doorway of boxcar, GI photographs, CU of bodies. MCU of dead prisoner in striped uniform curled beside railroad track. Another pile of bodies covered by snow, bare feet.LS Dachau courtyard, Red Cross marked trucks in front of large long building which had been part of camp. CU of SS marking on side of building, LS of former SS barracks, people walking across courtyard. Survivors stand and squat eating and smoking around small fire stoves inside the camp, gate in BG. Good CUs of men around stoves. CU of bowl of cereal and can of heating powdered milk. MS former inmates in civilian dress standing around on sidewalk next to barrack, pan left to rows of laid out corpses covered by blankets. Pile of prison uniforms in BG. CU of their faces in a row. CU of emaciated uncovered corpses. LS wagon piled high with loaves of bread being unloaded and lined up on tables by inmates, prisoner wearing French armband, others with Xs or 2 parallel strips on coats. Young boy in cap scraping bottom of barrel. MCU as group of survivors carry wrapped up body by on mattress, the person may still be alive, CU of mattress, head appears to move. Men line up and are deloused. Good shots. Two young survivors in caps and uniforms walk through Dachau. LS to CU as men pull large wagon of soup kettles toward camera. LS GIs walking past pile of what turn out to be bodies in front of crematorium. Flame visible. Shot kennels and piles of clothing, MS of clothing hung up off ground next to barrack, huge mound of clothing. Stacked naked corpses outside crematorium. MCU pan of the dead. CU of the bodies which include a prosthesis for a leg. MS, pile of dead SS men lined up along fence, CU of SS insignia on coat. CUs of dead. Survivors wrapped in blankets sitting on back of flatbed truck, CUs, MS group in striped uniforms stands next to truck. Pan to naked corpse on litter in FG.Crowd of survivors swarm around truck, may be striking at someone. Germans with hands up as survivors walk around, GIs observing, perhaps trying to determine if some men in prison uniforms are Germans trying to mix into the camp population. CU of Germans with hands up, one with a bandaged eye. Survivors going down line trying to identify former captors along with a GI in a cap with a striking profile. Former prisoners talk to men with hands up. CU of young German prisoners talking to same GI. LS of line of men filing into building, GI guard at door and GIs come out.LS ceremony in courtyard, men gathered around podium, flags waving including American and one with the Dachau symbol in center. Good CUs of many flags. British, Russian and US flags flying from roof of camp building. LS podium, cameraman filming, pan to men and flags waiting. Good MCU of survivors, many still in striped uniforms, looking into camera. Speaker at podium. MLS of US Army chaplain and Rabbi David Max Eichhorn conducting religious service - reaction shot as the audience looks up at him. This was the first Jewish religious service honoring the Jews who died as a result of Nazi persecution in Dachau.

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Red Cross workers on roadside with civilians. Shot of city from high angle. Sign, in English and Russian reads: "Welcome the American Heroic Army." Another part of the sign reads: "Welcome the Soviet Army." Pan to jeep Toluca. Sign in Czech reads: "Vplzni...Skodovy Zavody." LS from balcony to train station. Sign reads: "You are entering Pilsen by courtesy of CCB 16th Armd. Div." Another sign reads: "What you see on the street don't blame on the pigeons." VS of truckload of women and children holding red flags with hammer and sickle on them. They drive off and what appears to be a Russian officer waves to them. Slavic women in red scarves and white scarves. Numerous shots of Russians. Pan of bombed out bridges to FG, city in BG. HAS and other coverage of caravan of people in trucks drawn across a bridge. Red flag and platoon of men carrying what appears to be all their belongings. CU of officers. VS of refugees taking their children and belongings through town and across the bridge (returning home?).

This story is a compilation of a number of small reels shot in the deserts of Egypt/North Africa.Fire truck with men in black uniforms, shot of the Sphinx. Stevens and Bill Mellor in summer uniforms standing in front of a station wagon, pan to Sphinx. VS of Sphinx with pyramid in BG. Stevens walks to FG, Mellor and Stevens in front of Sphinx. VS of tank battle in desert (Sahara) with dust, smoke, tanks advancing. Men on foot behind firing tanks, dust and smoke blowing in strong wind. VS of scrub brush in desert. Soldiers running with weapons, large explosion screen right, FG, more views of men running.VS of palm trees and tents near an unidentified body of water. American flag on a boat with a felucca in the BG.Slightly out of focus shot of troops marching in the desert. They are wearing desert helmets. Another shot, in focus, of the troops marching by the camera. Sedan with a red flag with a star in the center of it- unable to determine whether star is white or yellow (this flag appears in other shots in the Stevens's North African footage- it could possibly be the Libyan, Tunisian, Turkish or Moroccan flag.) Band marching by.VS of rural area in North Africa. Men with donkeys, children playing in the sand, VS of a local market/bazaar. Very colorful footage.Stevens and Mellor with a pilot of a single-engine American fighter plane, the pilot is a captain. They talk, the plane takes off from unidentified location.

Sign pointing to left "Franzenfest 35 kms, Bozen 82 kms, Meran 111 kms." Pointing to right "Steinhach 12 kms, Matrei 16 kms, Innsbruck 38 kms." Stevens and Hamilton by sign that reads: "Brennero Pass" and a marble pillar marked "Italia" and "Bernardo Brennero." A mountainside shot of a bombed out building in the Alps. There are shots of bombed out Brenner railroad station. Panning shot of town below. Jeep Toluca, panning left to town. Sign reads: "Innsbruck" VS of town. Two vehicles driven by Germans pass through town. Four Americans talking with German soldier with his arm in a sling. Small sign on steps of building they are standing in front of reads: "German First Army" in English. MS, Berchtesgaden post office with jeep Toluca in front of the main entrance, American soldiers are in the jeep. Low angle shot through trees to what may be the town of Berchtesgaden.

EXT, shot from INT, Stevens and another man silhouetted with Alps in BG. Long panning shot of valley. VS on balcony of a building in Berchtesgaden appear to be Stevens and Moffat, then pan to valley below. Stevens walking up hill from Berchtesgaden. Stevens and Moffat looking over river, appears to be different climate and a different place than the previous shots of the valley. Horse carriage on side of road. German soldiers walking along road. Campsite near river. men bathing by campsite near blue lake, motorboat in lake. American soldiers hamming it up for the camera- one bather turns and faces his buttocks to camera. Stevens walking down a mountain with a package in his hands. Underexposed INT shots, possibly Berchtesgaden.

German women passing buckets, cleaning up rubble. Women in black walking through Berlin. Underexposed shots of men in uniform, unidentified location in Berlin. Three officers taking pictures at a race track.

Shot of bombed out cathedral. Twilight shot panning down from bombed out cathedral across bombed out village. Men from camera unit in FG. Shot in bivouac area. General Bernard Montgomery walks into CU. Two-star general reading something from paper. Men walk up, salute Montgomery and medal is pinned on, shakes hands. Another name is called out, another man walks up. Underlit shot of three star general and other officers, two of whom are wearing khaki peaked caps with red band. Two three-star generals talking to Montgomery, one in center appears to be Omar Bradley in helmet. Gen. George Patton wearing pearl-handled pistol, laughing and talking with officers in hats and red bands. Montgomery also in shot. Camera crew photographing this action. Pan from Montgomery to Stevens and others. Pan from Montgomery to Bradley talking to one of men, pan continues to camera crew and Stevens. Still photographer with flash gun pans from him to two-star general reading citation, Montgomery standing by 35mm Mitchell camera on tripod. VS of this including Ivan Moffat standing next to Stevens watching Montgomery. CU of GIs at campsite receiving packages including cigarettes and candy. Men in formation in camp area. First Lt. lining them up. Shot of seven or eight men in ranks who could most likely be identified as members of SPECOU. Men at rest standing around talking, smoking. Stevens looking at sky with binoculars for aircraft. First Lt. looking through binoculars, appears to be Holly Morse. Major with helmet looking through binoculars at sky. Stevens and others coming out of tent with mess kits and piling into truck and driving off, early morning. Three men inspecting a bomb crate in clearing. Men jump out of truck with mess kits. Some underexposed shots of men with mess kits standing around waiting, cleaning mess kits, including CUs. ff782bc1db

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