Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a scholarship?

Apply using the application form. click here for forms

Who is eligible for a scholarship?

All students grades (grades K-12) who are parish members and will attend a Catholic school in the Diocese of Madison.

How much are the scholarships?

Amounts will vary depending on funding for the current year and number of applicants. Our parish goal is to offer up to $1000 per student.

Can I receive scholarships for more than one child?

Yes, our Parish goal is to provide scholarships for each child attending an approved school.

Are there any financial requirements for the scholarships?

There are not any financial requirements, however we do ask that families that do not need the assistance do not apply. This will ensure there is more money available for families with a stronger need.

Do I have to reapply each year?

Yes, you need to reapply each year.

How are the scholarships funded?

Scholarships are funded in a variety of ways.

· Envelopes marked for Catholic school scholarships

· Individual donations specifically marked for Catholic school scholarships

· Parish groups and organizations

· Participation in the St. Christopher Amazon Smile program

· Fundraisers

· Parish budget (if needed)

How does the funding get to the school?

Checks will be mailed to the schools in July.

Can I get a scholarship for homeschooling?

Yes, the current plan is to offer $150 per child enrolled in a recognized Catholic homeschooling program. This is still being developed, please check back later this Fall.

I would like to make a donation to the fund, what should I do?

You can put donations in the collection basket, stop by the parish office, or mail a check to the parish office. Please make sure the donation is clearly marked for Catholic School Scholarships. There will also be a special envelope in the envelope packets.