
Hosted Expeditions

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Hello Are you a Fleet Commander looking for work?, A Fighter pilot looking to make a few million in ISK to Cover Ammo and Upgrade Costs?, How about a Foreman looking to Expand his Team?, A Lonely Miner who can't even mine in 1.0 - 0.8 Sec without being Harassed by Punks? how about a logistics Expert who can help the fleet coordinate the best routes for Extraction points?

No matter what you are looking for, SaidTECH has it, or soon to.... Expeditions are NOT Cooperate restricted, So even if your not looking to change corps you can still earn big with us. We don't waste time with garbage or Hold up a Dollar for a Nickle Either Our Gear that we send into the Field's with the Fleets Foreman is Top Quality and he Best ISK can buy.. We produce Most of the Equipment ourselves, so we can keep Fees to a minimum.

For a Example of a $1 Billion Est Isk Expedition run Visit our Expedition Calculator!

(All Members of the Fleet will have access to the real calculator to keep close eyes on their Teams and the entire Fleets Yield Numbers (No Skimming Allowed…) We have Restricted Access to who can change the input numbers so no worries. only Foreman's can change their team numbers, and all changes can and will be checked!

Safe Mining Trip 1.0 - 0.9 - 0.8 - 0.7 - 0.6 - 0.5*

( We Don't Attack ANYTHING unless it Locks target First, Lock-On Allowed at ships Max Ability Yellow/Red Hostiles Marked Only!)

1 Fleet Commander - Monitors the overall Progress of the Expedition

1 Fleet Captain - Monitors the overall Security of the Expo.

4+ Expedition Site Foreman per fleet -

As boss, you will have a couple simple duties to ensure that the BYOC lasts as long as possible:

  1. Ensure that the booster is passing boosts. If the booster disconnects, or boosts drop for some reason, it is your job to ensure that the necessary troubleshooting is done to get boosts back up. Most Fleet members use the SaidTECH Discord Server and often you will be able to contact a booster here if they are not responding in game or on Mumble. If you are unable to restore boosts, it is perfectly acceptable to remove the booster from the boosting position and ask in AMC Ops for a new booster.
  2. Advertise the Fleet Expo sparingly in AMC Ops (a simple "BYOC [OPSEC], ♠ up for invite" will do) and send out invites to those who ask. Inviting is simple, just right click their name and "invite to fleet"
  3. Ensure that free move is on for the fleet, and advise the BYOC members that if you do not see an invite in AMC Ops, they can send out the invite by moving themselves into the squad leader position of an empty squad
  4. Update the MOTD of the fleet. Clicking the gear icon in fleet chat allows you to "change channel settings" where you can edit the MOTD. This can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it, but at the very least should include the name of the current booster and the system that the boosts are being provided in. Other things to consider adding are a list of which belts are currently occupied and which belts have been completely mined out (depleted), a list of the values of the belts (obtained via survey scans), and any other pertinent fleet information such as war target activity.

10 Miners per Expedition Site - If ya have em use em -( can use Alts - make sure to keep tabs..)

14* Security Personnel per Expo

8* Cargo Haulers Per Expo

*These Numbers can change depending on what is needed to get the job done,

Worried about you doing a good job while everyone else watches? No worries again our system has YOU and US.. Covered!