Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Our members are honest in their dealings both with one another and the community

SaidTECH members are honest and trustworthy. They do not lie, cheat or deceive. This means that if one of our members agrees to fight another player on certain terms (for example, 1v1) those terms will be honored. It also means our members do not scam each other or anyone else.

Our members treat all players both inside and outside EVE University with respect

SaidTECH members are expected to be respectful. We do not tolerate personal attacks, 'smack talk' or abuse. Members should not spam chat channels, engage in ransoming or can flipping. If a member finds a ship in space without a pilot, or an unanchored player owned structure, they may take it.

Our members keep all communication free of inappropriate content

While we appreciate that losing your ship can be upsetting, members should avoid profanity where possible. While occasional mild profanity may be tolerated, it should not be common. We do not tolerate any racist, sexist or otherwise offensive language or discussion. Conversation about clearly divisive topics, such as real-world politics or religion, should be avoided. Sexual or off-colour comments should also be avoided.

Our members do not violate the EVE Online End User Licence Agreement (EULA) or Terms of Service

CCP, the developers of EVE Online, set out an End User Licence Agrement and Terms of Service when players sign up to play EVE Online. These must be followed at all times. This means for example that members cannot share accounts with other people, give their account away to someone else or purchase ISK or items for real money (aside from PLEX from CCP approved retailers). They also must not harass new players in the starting "rookie" systems. EVE University strictly upholds these rules, and any member found to have violated the EULA or the terms of service will be removed from the corporation.

Our members are free to make their own choices

SaidTECH does not require members to live in certain star-systems or log in at specific times. EVE Online is a sandbox, and members are encouraged to try out any areas of the game they want, as long as their actions do not conflict with the Code Of Conduct. We have no minimum activity requirements, though we do remove members who have not logged into the game for more than three months. If members are removed for inactivity they are welcome to apply to rejoin. when they are active in EVE Online again.

Our members are encouraged to balance "self" with "service"

When our members first join, they will be focused on learning how the game works and trying out what EVE Online has to offer. However, once our members have gained some experience and knowledge, they are encouraged to pass this on to other players. Knowledge is Power, and relies a great deal on members helping and supporting each other to amount up to anything. For this reason once our members are sufficiently experienced they are expected to help others also.