Good Day Capsuleer, and welcome. Are you new to the Eve universe? Tired of getting ambushed by the gangs and pirates? Looking for security whilst navigating in the infinite or simply trying to mine some ore? Then you have come to the right place, because SaidTECH has your back. We fund expeditions throughout New Eden, You don't even need to be in our Corp!

Don’t waste your time with the other “Corporations” that will try to offer you large sums of ISK without risk… This is usually a front for Pirates that will take advantage of you and leave you high and dry. Unfortunately they are allowed to advertise as well. With SaidTECH on your side you will be able to explore New Eden safely and mark your spot in the Galaxy alongside the rest of our family.

Benefits of our Corp for Alpha or Omega players include:

  • Collage Reimbursement (after 6months)
  • Ship Reimbursement ( Restrictions apply )
  • Security members for Hauling and/or Mining barges
  • Discounted items that are crafted by our highest trained members instead of having to pay higher market sales
  • Mineral processing by higher skilled employees to increase yield with only a 15% Mineral fee and no ISK fee
  • Lower tax rate than competing Corporations, 1.5% ( Applies to Missions, Bounties, etc.)
  • The feeling of accomplishment in being apart of something great.
  • We are looking for Corps/Members from all skill levels and all orientations:
  • Mining / Industry
  • Ratting / Escalations
  • Scanning / Exploring
  • PvP
  • Nice & helpfull members
  • Large scale mining operations with full skilled boosts
  • Moon mining (coming soon)
  • PvP action all day long (if you want)
  • No 50-jump-blue-donut
  • Everything-you-need-Infrastructure
  • Systems with lowest possible True-Sec (coming soon)
  • A large tradehub nearby
  • The safety of a dead-end-pocket
  • Free alliance ships for different needs
  • … and much more

There are many great opportunities open to all types of players from basic members to fleet command and maybe, one day, Corp. Officer. Our positions include both Part-Time, which is paid by commission, and Full-time, which will be paid on a Biweekly basis.

Click Here to Join Today!!

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