Accepted papers will be published in Springer!

We award the best paper with the SAIAD best Paper Award!

Call for Papers

We are soliciting high quality papers covering the topics listed below. Papers should follow the standard ECCV formatting instructions. Accepted papers will appear in the ECCV workshop proceedings.

Submission Deadline: 15th July

Extended Submission Deadline: 20th July, Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)

Author Notification: 12th August

Camera ready due: 22nd August

Submission via CMT:

Topics of Interest

The topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Interpretable and explainable Deep Neural Networks

  • Standardization in Safe AI

  • Ethics and legal aspects in Safe AI

  • Safe Deep Neural Network design

  • Certification of DNNs

  • Detection of out-of-distribution data

  • Robustness to anomalies / out-of-distribution data / adversarial examples

  • Uncertainty modeling

  • Transparent DNN training

  • Integrating legal requirements

  • Novel evaluation schemes

We follow a high quality review process with a notable Program Comittee.