2024 NJ Presidential Election

The 2024 Presidential election in NJ, the closest presidential election in the Garden State since John Kerry's 6.68% win in 2004 was a complete surprise on election night with it being the state that swung the second most towards the right, beating out Florida and coming in just behind New York.

Seeing no investment in the northern part of the state (whereas South Jersey of the state benefited from Ad spending for Pennsylvania in the Philadelphia TV Market & the Norcross Machine) the Swing against Harris was greatest in magnitude in Urban northern Jersey: the core dem vote producing area of the state

This collapse was mainly due to Trump seeing major Gains with Latinos, Orthodox Jewish Americans and Asian Americans (especially Indian Americans), whilst holding his own with educated suburbanites and some more modest gains with Secular Jewish Americans, and the White working class

Further, New Jersey saw Harris facing the full force of the Biden Administration's straddling the line on Gaza Policy, as she lost the most Arab Precinct in Jersey City (which uncommitted won in the primary) as well as one of the most Palestinian precincts in the country in Paterson's little Ramallah.

A note on the down ballot with regards to the Arab vote: Both Andy Kim and Nellie Pou (NJ-09) won Little Ramalah fairly comfortably, but the aforementioned Jersey City Arab Precinct was only barely won by Kim where Rob Menendez Jr just barely lost it.