Submit your contribution for DAY 1

During DAY 1 (Monday 4th March 2019), there will be an opportunity for SAGA MC members to present themselves and share their ideas during SESSION 2_Brainstorming. If you want to participate in this session, please submit your contribution by Tuesday 12 February 2019.

Presentations will follow a Pecha Kucha format: a ppt with 20 images x 20 seconds each and designed to be completed in 6 minutes and 40 seconds (please set up your ppt with advance slide to 20 seconds). This will allow a higher number of MC member presentations. Further info on how to prepare a Pecha Kucha presentation can be found here.

The ppt should be uploaded on by Tuesday 19 February 2018 so they can be compiled by the Local Organiser (LO) and organised accordingly (please remember to send a ppt with 20 slides max and set up advance slide to 20 seconds).

Please name your file as the following: TopicX-your_family_name-your_first_name (where X is the topic number: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5-other)

    • Example: Topic1-Loren-Sofia

If you submit more than one contribution in one topic, please follow the below example:

    • Example: Topic1-Loren-Sofia-1
    • Example: Topic1-Loren-Sofia-2