Sebastian Różycki

Assistant Professor (Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography)


Since 2013 he was using historical and current aerial photographs, laser scanning data, cartographic materials and non-invasive technique to search for mass graves. He was co-operates, among others, with the Museum of Treblinka and Institute of National Remembrance.


  1. Różycki, S., Michalski, M., & Kopówka, E. (2017). Obóz pracy Treblinka I. Metodyka integracji danych wieloźródłowych. Siedlce: ELPIL.
  2. Karski, K., Różycki, S., & Schwarz, A. (2017). Memories of Recent Past. Objectives and Results of Non-invasive Archeological Research Project at KL Plaszow Memorial Site. Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia, 12, 221–246.
  3. Różycki, S., Nieradko, A., Karczewski, J., & Schwarz, A. (2016). The use od non-invasive techniques in locating graves of Holocaust victims: the Rejowiec case study. Teledetekcja Środowiska, 54, 51–60.
  4. Zapłata, R., & Różycki, S. (2015). Historic aerial photographs in the analysis of cultural landscape – case studies from Poland. In V. Ivanišević, T. Veljanovski, D. Cowley, G. Kiarszys, & I. Bugarski, V. Ivanišević, T. Veljanovski, D. Cowley, G. Kiarszys, & I. Bugarski (Eds.), Recovering lost landscapes (pp. 107–115). Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade; Aerial Archaeology Research Group.