Satu Koivisto

Postdoctoral Researcher (Finnish Heritage Agency / University of Helsinki)


Satu Koivisto (PhD in archaeology) works as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki and as a researcher at Finnish Heritage Agency (on research leave 2017-2020). Currently, she is working on the sedimentation and preservation of a prehistoric lakeside settlement (Järvensuo, SW Finland, c. 3500–500 BCE) situated in a dynamic wetland landscape. In 2017-18, she led a project called 'Lost Inland Landscapes' that aimed in finding submerged and paludified Mesolithic sites at lakes Kuolimo and Saimaa in SE Finland. Her previous projects have concerned the testing of geophysical techniques in peatland environments, the improvement of the use of prospection methods in developer-led archaeology, and the detection of archaeological sites in forests using LiDAR, just a few to mention.


  1. Butler, D. H., Koivisto, S., Brumfeld, V. & Shahack-Gross, R. (2018). Early Evidence for Northern Salmonid Fisheries Discovered using Novel Mineral Proxies. Scientific reports, 9:147.
  2. Koivisto, S., Latvakoski, N. & Perttola, W. (2018). Out of the peat: preliminary prospection and evaluation of the mid-Holocene stationary wooden fishing structures in Haapajärvi, Finland. Journal of Field Archaeology 43(3), 166-180.
  3. Koivisto, S. (2017). Archaeology of Finnish wetlands: With special reference to studies of Stone Age stationary wooden fishing structures. Doctoral thesis, University of Helsinki. Helsinki: Unigrafia. /219417
  4. Koivisto, S. (2011). Prehistoric wetland archaeology in Finland: Sites and settlement in a changing environment. In E. Pranckenaite (ed.) Wetland settlements of the Baltic - A prehistoric perspective: 31-53. Vilnius: Standartu Spaustuve.