Rokas Vengalis

Researcher (Lithuanian Institute of History)


Born in 1980 August 16 in Vilnius. 1998-2004 studied archaeology in the Faculty of History at Vilnius University. 2004-2009 Studied at doctoral level at Vilnius University and completed the dissertation "Eastern Lithuanian Settlements from the First to the Twelfth Century" Since 2004 works at the Research Department of the Administration of the State Cultural Reserve of Kernavė. Since 2009 works as lecturer in Vilnius University. Since 2013 works as a researcher at Lithuanian Institute of History. Since 2004 annually conducts archaeological field research. The most important excavated sites are Kernavė archeological site (Širvintos district, 2004-2018), Karmazinai ancient settlement (Vilnius district, 2005), Kvietiniai ancient settlement and barrow cemetery (Klaipėda district, 2015), Ardiškis ancient settlement (Širvintos district, 2017-2018). Significant results were obtained during the survey expeditions in the Neris river valley (2009-2016). Since 2011 conducts geophysical research in archeological objects with a GPR, and from 2014 with a magnetometer. Researches were carried out in various Lithuanian archaeological sites such as Kernavė, Šventoji, Nida, Alksnynė, Jutonys, Vilnius, Luokesai, Daugėlaičiai, Taurapilis, Žardė, Kukuliškiai, etc. The main research interests are settlement and landscape archaeology, geophysical methods in archaeology (GPR and magnetometry), archaeological survey, archaeological pottery, Lithuania in the 1st millennium AD.