Kate Armstrong

Post Doctoral Research Associate (Durham University)


Kayt is an archaeologist with a particular interest in landscape archaeology, and geophysics as a tool for understanding human-landscape interactions. She completed her PhD at Bournemouth University in 2010, examining the application of near-surface techniques to archaeological prospection in peat. Kayt is the STSM coordinator of COST Action SAGA.


  1. Armstrong, K, Cheetham, P, Darvill T. (2018). Tales from the outer limits: Archaeological geophysical prospection in lowland peat environments in the British Isles. Archaeological Prospection
  2. de Neef, W, Armstrong, K. van Leusen, M. (2017). Putting the Spotlight on Small Metal Age Pottery Scatters in Northern Calabria (Italy). Journal of Field Archaeology, 42 (4), 283-297
  3. Armstrong, K, Kalayci, T. (2015). Images of the Past: Magnetic Survey in Archaeology. in eds Sarris et al, Best Practices of GeoInformatic Technologies For The Mapping Of ArchaeoLandscapes. Archaeopress.
  4. van Leusen, M, Kattenberg, A, Armstrong, K. (2014). Magnetic Susceptibility Detection of Small Protohistoric Sites in the Raganello Basin, Calabria (Italy). Archaeological Prospection


EMAIL: kate.l.armstrong@durham.ac.uk

SKYPE: lilith_kayt