Ivana Pandzic

Curator Archaeologist (Prehistory Department of the Museum of Republic of Srpska) and Senior Assistant – Lecturer (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Banja Luka, Department of History)


Ivana Pandžić is currently finishing the doctoral thesis on the topic "Salt during Neolithic in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina" at the Department of Archaeology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She gained the title of Master of Science at the Department of Archaeology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (October, 2010), and graduated from the Department of History and Archaeology (Department of Archaeology and History of Art) at the Faculty of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece (September 2004) as a Greek Government scholarship holder. Since November 2006 she is full-time employed at the Museum of the Republic of Srpska as curator archaeologist, at the Department for Prehistory (Stone Age). Since October 2007 she works as assistant and later senior assistant at the Department of History of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Banja Luka on subjects Archaeology and Museology. She speaks Greek, English and German. She is one of the founders of the Society of Archaeologists of the Republic of Srpska Banja Luka and a member of the Serbian Archaeology Society (Belgrade), Matica srpska Novi Sad and Association of Members of Matica srpska for Republic of Srpska Banja Luka and ICOM BiH. So far she has conducted several projects successfully and now she is a member in several ongoing international projects, a participant in numerous excavations and seminars in the country and the region. She is married, and the mother of two children.