Huseyin Baris Tecimen

Tenure Track Full Professor (Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa)


He is teaching - research academic staff in Soil Science and Ecology Department at IU-Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Forestry, since 1998. His study objectives are forest ecosystems, soil microbial ecology, soil biogeochemistry, mountainous lands, soil properties change along edaphic and physiographical gradients, forest floor properties, soil nitrogen cycle. His PhD dissertation was on reclamation and rehabilitation the recently abandoned open coal mine residuals. He has joined into several TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) projects as a research staff that was for investigation of growth relations of black pine, the microfungal flora of orchid species in Turkey and plant communities, composition and along with edaphic factors. He has joined to research studies on isotopic N15 and C13 measurements, biogeochemistry of soil aggregates created by earthworms and executed the project titled “Soil nutrient budget of contrasting land uses in Florida: Control of microbial populations and enzymes” in Munich, Vermont and Florida respectively. His recent studies are on soil plant interactions in terms of nutrient budget, greenhouse gas release from soil to atmosphere in context of different land use types and soil microbial ecology.