François-Xavier Simon

Geophysicist (Inrap Chrono-Environnement)


François-Xavier Simon is a geophysicist at the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research. He is graduated from the University Pierre et Marie Curie in the field of near surface geophysics. In 2012, he defended a PhD on the use of geophysics for preventive archaeology under the direction of Alain Tabbagh. FX Simon was hired as a post-doctoral researcher first in Greece under the laboratory of Apostolos Sarris, then in the MSH of Clermont Ferrand under the direction of Franck Vautier. He is a member of the ISAP society and the GMPCA. He published 20 peer reviewed papers on landscape archaeology and near surface geophysics, mainly focus on electromagnetic induction and magnetic properties of archaeological soils. He’s main interest focus on EMI survey, software development, integrated prospection and landscape analysis through the use of ground and aerial remote sensing. FX is the WG 3 Deputy Leader of COST Action SAGA.


  1. Simon F.-X., Tabbagh A., Sarris A., Donati J. (2018). Permittivity mapping in the VLF-VF range using a multi-frequency EMI device: first tests in archaeological prospection, Near Surface Geophysics
  2. Simon F.-X., Kalayci T., Jamieson D., Cuenca-Garcia C., Manataki M, Cantoro G., Sarris A. (2015). How Efficient is an Integrative Approach in Archaeological Geophysics? Comparative Case-Studies from Neolithic Settlements in Thessaly (Central Greece), Near Surface Geophysics, 13, 6, p. 633-643.