Ekhine Garcia

Researcher (ARANZADI Society of Science & SOT Archaeological Prospection)


Graduated on Physics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 2004, she specialized in Physics Applied to Heritage with a master degree at the Université Bordeaux I in 2006. After several years' professional experience working as co-director at SOT Archaeological Prospection, she got her doctorate in 2017 with the thesis 'Characterisation and Optimisation of Geophysical Methodologies on Archaeological Sites of Ancient Period at the Basque Country'. She has leaded many geophysical surveys and she participates regularly on archaeological excavations on sites that have been previously surveyed. She is member of ISAP (International Society of Archaeological Prospection) as well as of SAPaC (Sociedad de Arqueometría Aplicada al Patrimonio Cultural). She has participated in many specialized conferences as well as in workshops to train on archaeological geophysics.


  1. Garcia-Garcia, E.; Andrews, J.; Iriarte, E.; Sala, R.; Aranburu, A.; Hill, J. & Agirre-Mauleon, J. (2017). Geoarchaeological core prospection as a tool to validate archaeological interpretation based on geophysical data at the roman settlement of Auritz/Burguete and Aurizberri/Espinal (Navarre). Geosciences 7(4). https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences7040104
  2. Garcia-Garcia, E.; Mtz. Txoperena, J. M.; Sala, R.; Aranburu, A. & Agirre-Mauleon, J. (2016). Magnetometer Survey at the Newly-discovered Roman City of Auritz/Burguete (Navarre). Results and Preliminary Archaeological Interpretation. Archaeological Prospection 23(4), 243-256. https://doi.org/10.1002/arp.1537
  3. Sala, R.; Tamba, R. & Garcia-Garcia, E. (2016). Application of Geophysical Methods to Cultural Heritage. Elements 12(1), 19-25. https://doi.org/10.2113/gselements.12.1.19
  4. Sala, R.; Garcia-Garcia, E. & Tamba (2012). Archaeological Geophysics - From Basics to New Perspectives. Chapter in Dr. Imma Ollich-Castanyer (Ed.). Archaeology, New Approaches in Theory and Techniques, InTech, pp 133-166. https://doi.org/10.5772/45619